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The New Moor Market

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The Market needs to attract new customers, not waste time trying to win back the people who just want a tat bazaar.


New customers who don't just want cheap, thats what the pound shops are for, but new customers who want something different that they cant get anywhere else.


Beer Central is exactly the kind of place the new market needs more of, I wonder if it would have been as successful in the markets pervious location? I would suggest not.


The new markets need to move away from the penny pinching and blue rinse brigades and cater for those who have more disposable income.


Then it better move to London or the like then.

Although we have more Millionaires in one place than anywhere els in the country, Sheffield is one of the poorer cities is the U.K

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Sheffield is one of the poorer cities is the U.K


Isnt Hallam one of the richest wards?


Go to things like the Pedlars Market or the markets on Sharrowvale or in Netheredge and you can hardly move, there is plenty of money and disposable income in Sheffield.

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Isnt Hallam one of the richest wards?


Go to things like the Pedlars Market or the markets on Sharrowvale or in Netheredge and you can hardly move, there is plenty of money and disposable income in Sheffield.


My Bold


"Although we have more Millionaires in one place than anywhere els in the country"



car boots and the like are always well attended in and around sheffield.

A stand by what i said, Sheffield is a poor city compered to other big cities.

I dont see many shops in Sheffield of the harvey nichols class.

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A stand by what i said, Sheffield is a poor city compered to other big cities.


Try getting yourself out an about a bit, visit some of the other markets in Sheffield, you will soon see there is a large appetite for something, anything, a little different you cant get in the supermarkets.


Anyone who thinks the old markets were thriving in recent years is deluded. Old style markets have been in decline for years, the new market needs to be something new.

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The Market needs to attract new customers, not waste time trying to win back the people who just want a tat bazaar.


New customers who don't just want cheap, thats what the pound shops are for, but new customers who want something different that they cant get anywhere else.


Beer Central is exactly the kind of place the new market needs more of, I wonder if it would have been as successful in the markets pervious location? I would suggest not.


The new markets need to move away from the penny pinching and blue rinse brigades and cater for those who have more disposable income.


A market is a market. The old customers were not always penny pinchers, they would spent but preferred a value for money environment.

There is no sad excuse to claim there should be new wealthy rich customers who will start paying extra for something from a market.


The market has been stolen from its previous customers by moving it to the wrong side of town and over budgeting making rents too expensive chasing away the best traders the market used to have. There are many great faces castle market used to have that are missing on the moor.


Your desire to turn new market into something posh and fancy is proof that a different class of people has tried to steal the market from the lower classes.


Let me tell you, it is not going to work.

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Try getting yourself out an about a bit, visit some of the other markets in Sheffield, you will soon see there is a large appetite for something, anything, a little different you cant get in the supermarkets.


Anyone who thinks the old markets were thriving in recent years is deluded. Old style markets have been in decline for years, the new market needs to be something new.

That's my impression too and I always thought that was the route that the market needed to take to survive. The question is are such businesses trying to get stalls and being refused? Or do they look at the *less than high class* shops surrounding the markets and think, maybe that's not the best location for us?


Again it goes back to location. The NUM site was always the best option but the Sevenstone debacle put paid to any chance of that.

By having it where it is surrounded by Pound Shops etc the council set out its stall that the market was always going to be *cheap* and appeal to a certain demographic and it turns out that demographic now shops somewhere else. They don't understand modern Sheffielders.

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The old market was crap, inaccessible and smelly.


The new one is OK, just about accessible and clean.


I've been to the new market more times in the last year than I went to the old one in 20 years. Mostly because it doesn't smell and I don't feel in physical danger going in there.


I can't believe that anyone has any nostalgia for the health hazard that was the Castle Market.


it does smell - of raw meat, fish and that awful disinfectant. The thought of eating or drinking in there makes me retch.


I think it ought to have encompassed the old and the new - the traditional fruit veg and meat market and something a bit different. I agree with others who say there is so much that you could get elsewhere, I have walked through several times but never felt inclined to buy anything.

Edited by katkin
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The question is are such businesses trying to get stalls and being refused? Or do they look at the *less than high class* shops surrounding the markets and think, maybe that's not the best location for us?.


I guess the question should really be what can the council do to attract these type of business. In the end, as you say, they might just not want to operate from the Moor.


There is no doubt though that the Moor is improving with the new developments along it, and once the cinema is completed there should be some night time economy in the area, which it massively lacks at the moment.


I would be very interested to know which stalls, if any are doing well, and which less so. It maybe as depressing at Kidley says, and the people of Sheffield dont have a pot to **** in but that's no my experience.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 15:41 ----------


Let me tell you, it is not going to work.


Because it was working so well before?


Unfortunately, times have changed and Castle markets was a shadow of its former self that you think of so nostalgically.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 15:46 ----------


Your desire to turn new market into something posh and fancy is proof that a different class of people has tried to steal the market from the lower classes.


I don't want something posh and fancy, its a market, I want something successful, I want the market to be as good and as popular as they once were.


The markets weren't working, the rents were artificially low and the place was slowly dying, the new markets tried with the same stalls but in a different location, that clearly isn't working either, there needs to be a different approach.

Edited by the fonz
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Do you go to Barnsley and/or Doncaster market as well then?






---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 16:39 ----------


A market is a market. The old customers were not always penny pinchers, they would spent but preferred a value for money environment.

There is no sad excuse to claim there should be new wealthy rich customers who will start paying extra for something from a market.


The market has been stolen from its previous customers by moving it to the wrong side of town and over budgeting making rents too expensive chasing away the best traders the market used to have. There are many great faces castle market used to have that are missing on the moor.


Your desire to turn new market into something posh and fancy is proof that a different class of people has tried to steal the market from the lower classes.


Let me tell you, it is not going to work.


It wasn't really working before though was it. The rent was MASSIVELY subsidised because the place was a bloody disgrace. THAT was the only reason any of the stalls were still there as far as I could tell.


The lower floor was almost deserted, there were a couple of grotty cafes and a phone shop on the side entrance area, people pretty much had to walk past all the non food stalls to get to the food stalls. The same stalls are in the new market. Clothes, a pet shop, house hold items, a bakers, card shop, the Nut stall, reject confectionery and a selection of meat, fish and veg stalls. We just have a bit more variety now. The Olive stall for example and beer shop.


I think the council will need to keep rent reductions in place until the Moor is sorted to make it work, if they can accept that, and perhaps 30 mins free parking in the adjacent car park then I think it could still do well.


Less people smoking weed outside the door now and not quite so many brainless morons stood smoking fags while screaming obscenities at their various kids they don't appear to want. I guess that's who your missing.

Edited by neeeeeeeeeek
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Opening any new market in the current climate is a challenge so you have to stack things in its favour. Opening it in a non-central location away from the tram route and only having stalls selling barely desirable things you can get in countless other places was insanity. If it can hold on until the new buildings are open (next year?) it might stand a chance but its future looks grim.


What are these new buildings?

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