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The New Moor Market

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Agree with Dan about it being small tbh I'd have though a greta market needs to be 2x the size. Large stalls give you great scope to display fresh produce like fruit and veg.


Theres no artisan baker, but there are two Turners outlets and i dont think their bread is frozen. So you are inaccurate.


There was one place selling cheese, but no big artisan deli.


Theres more than one or two cafes and there was someone selling burritos at the pop up stall. They could do with the chippy, a chinese noodle place, streetfood stuff as well.


Seems a bit harsh to complain about buying meat in a market and the woes of the office worker. Wouldnt this be the same for any shop you nip into at lunch even Waitrose or an artisan deli?


You guys are so negative. You do realise this was just them moving the old market stalls into a new building? If you used the old market then you would know what to expect. Theres a lot of peoples livelihoods at stake there and I can see theyve made an effort from what was at castle.


Think we agree they need more interesting shops to make use of the space.


Yeah, sorry, the meat thing wasn't mean as a criticism (I had it in my positives comments, that they looked decent). It was just a reflection that I'm never likely to be around there at a time when I can buy that type of stuff (whereas say Beeches, Coppice House or School Rooms I can nip to for 5 minutes at my convenience).


The ideal situation is if the existing traders recognise the needs (and means) of their new clientele and reposition themselves, rather than get replaced. Simonites for example have shifted upmarket incredibly well since their move to Division Street.

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I went in looking for some lunch, some nice bread, cheese and maybe some interesting bits to take home for tea. But there was:

- Nowhere decent for lunch. There's one or two cafes and a kebab shop, but nothing mexican, oriental, continental, rare meats, bratwurst, streetfoody etc. I ended up having to go to Brunch n Lunch by Plug to find something appetising

- Only one place selling bread, and that was all cheap from-frozen; nothing interesting or in any sense artisan

- Nowhere selling cheeses at all

- Nothing resembling a deli


Note sure you were paying attention:


S&J pantry sell is pretty much a deli and sell cheeses

Turners sell fresh bread, it is fresh not frozen

Street Chef had a very small stall (easy to miss) selling their 'award winning' buritos I hope it will get bigger.


I agree we're missing Sheaf Valley Bakery (artisan baker in Castle St) but they only announced at the start of the month they were uping sticks and moving back to Somerset. Their success in Castle Street proves if nothing else there is demand for that style of baking so hopefully someone else will take it up.


All the new and old stalls looked great and very well presented I hope everyone makes a good start and the crowds keep coming back. And while I agree it's a bit small, they could hardly make it bigger if there's still empty stalls now.

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Just like Dan i was surprised with it only been on one level and how small many of the stalls was. To me the new market seems like the same size has walking around the fish market level of the castle market.

I thought it was going be different levels with different fresh and meat foods, a level for clothes ect and a level for café's and drinking, Just like many shops have more then one level on the moor. I have been in the castle market at busy times, but you could still jump in or look at what was been sold on the stalls without been pushed about.


Today yes it was busy has it was the first day, but then looking around it dint seem any less people like i would see in the castle market, it just looked busy with it been smaller. But i could not really look at the stalls without people pushing you about and the stalls been smaller. Nice to see some of the old traders in the new market, but i was not impressed with the cafe/eating area. Before in my dinner break i could go to our favourite cafe and sit down, or if it was at busy times you could easy find another cafe and sit and eat. the new market seem not much option on the food or space to sit down inside has the seating was one space for all of the eating stalls. We ended up at the £1 bakery for a sandwich outside the market for our dinner break. But i did manage to buy something from the market, a box of eggs for £1 on the way out.


I may try the market again when the newness of it all has died down a bit, but i know i will not be shopping regular at the new market like i did before. It was nice to see the police walking about, i do not know if the police will be about all of the time, has you only ever seen them when trouble flair up at the castle market.

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Just been down to see the market, we currently have a large ladies and gents salon in crystal peaks market which is of a very gud standard . It suprises me that alot of units were vacant seen as we applied and got a reply to say we didnt meet the standards and the place was 100% capacity . Some stalls do look great and u can tell they have realli made an impression to look gud and there the ones that are probably init for the long term after the 6 months free rent is up ! There are some stalls that just look like they have thrown it together! Just didnt have the same feel as crystal peaks market for me i dont kno whether i am quick to judge but i suppose weve been in crystal peaks since 2003 so we know it like back of our hand and all the traders av been there years like us !! Nice new market but think it was for the best we didnt go in as they say everythings appens for a reason !

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Just been down to see the market, we currently have a large ladies and gents salon in crystal peaks market which is of a very gud standard . It suprises me that alot of units were vacant seen as we applied and got a reply to say we didnt meet the standards and the place was 100% capacity . Some stalls do look great and u can tell they have realli made an impression to look gud and there the ones that are probably init for the long term after the 6 months free rent is up ! There are some stalls that just look like they have thrown it together! Just didnt have the same feel as crystal peaks market for me i dont kno whether i am quick to judge but i suppose weve been in crystal peaks since 2003 so we know it like back of our hand and all the traders av been there years like us !! Nice new market but think it was for the best we didnt go in as they say everythings appens for a reason !


Maybe they noticed the poor grammar in the application you completed...

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When into the New Market Today,an the most Popular area was the Cafe area,it was well Full Today,we seem to have lost some stalls from Castle Market,i Thought it would be Bigger inside,as TJ Hughes as Two tiers,Poundland looked alot Bigger an Busier,some stalls were empty as well,but its early days,just hope now they Keep this Market Cleaner an Look after better than they did with the Castle Market

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Maybe they noticed the poor grammar in the application you completed...


Who made you the grammar police? At least the poster contributed something interesting and on the subject.




Placebo I spotted a few that I'd be amazed if they make it. One will be a shame if they do not because they havent done enough research imo. One was quite large and a bit bemused why they needed a double unit. Ut doesnt have the size to be a great meat and fish market with amazing variety etc.


What I hope will happen is new good quality stalls will move in like artisan bakers, deli, ethnic foods etc and some of the tat falls by the way side. If they can create a hub of shops youd like to go to, then it stands a chance. See what its like in six months time.

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Been in today with my other half.. we are genuinely delighted with the place and would return.

It's very spacious, lots to choose from, Yee Kwan was in there today and I have to say 'delish' ice cream, and we also enjoyed the Polish Bakery no end.


There is an information kiosk/security desk in the middle of the place which I'm sure, will sort out any bother if it happens.

The floors were a bit dirty though already which was a bit of a shame but it's nice and light and modern which we've needed for a while.

I'd like to see a lot of cleaners doing the job throughout the day + a lot more bins, places to put food trays which is greatly needed.


Great start and good to see the Moor area buzzing already as well thanks to the new Poundland, TJ Hughes, Subway and Iceland (opening tomorrow we hear)


Something I'd like to comment on if I may - and that's how run down and dismal the area the Castle Market has found itself in.

We went today, for the first time in years to see what was left outside.. and I have to say, the 'We are NOT moving down to the Moor' signs in the shop windows AND on the stalls outside are not only childish but off putting at best. I'll be rather happy when the mob outside, looking rather lazy if I may say, are moved on and replaced with something 'nicer' for the area.


It genuinely looks dark and depressing and not somewhere I'd like to shop in (the Castle Market area) and the sooner it's cleaned up, the better for me.


I agree with all of this and would also like to add that as well as going in the new market I walked up the Moor and down fargate and everywhere was packed as far as primark. Whether it lasts or not for the time being at least the whole area has a positive feel about it. Further on Wilkos and the remaining shops around there seemed to be same as usual. Went in Wilkos and the bargain shop and there were plenty of customers. I do think though that any of the old market traders who haven't moved to the new market have in the short term at least missed a trick as it was thronging down there today with queues at many of the stalls. I havn't seen that many people down there since the 70's.

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