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The New Moor Market

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I don't think that is the case but more of a case of saying "I told you so" to a Council that does not take notice of its voters and just charges ahead with plans that seem doomed to failure.


How many times has this council had projects put forward by it that have ended in failure with the taxpayer then having to foot the bill?


Dunno how many times? I can think of World Student Games. What else?

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Dunno how many times? I can think of World Student Games. What else?


How's the Kelvin Flats doing these days? About as well as the airport, and the Town Hall extension I'd say. There again the renovated canal basin isn't exactly dragging the visitors in.

Edited by foxy lady
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It's been said a number of times in the thread. It is the traders who will make the market a success no one should use them as part of a guilt trip other small businesses deserve your support as much as the market traders.


Good point. Self employment, and the ability of local people to earn an honest living in the (supposed) private sector is important.

People should be able to start businesses and thrive in multiple areas, both geographically and type of trade, encouraged to do so, and helped by way of incentives - tax breaks etc..


There's a growing population in Sheffield city centre and plenty of people who work there so it's not as if they are short of people to sell to.


Sheffield is not the largest village anymore, where everyone knows each other and all frequent the market, it is a mix of many.


You've the rich at one end of the city, the poor at the other. Now there is also more living in the centre, as well as the suburbs. You've the locals and students. You've the natives and multiple immigrant communities.


I suppose the Moor market does serve those who live in the centre and those with money quite well, and it should probably continue to cater to these groups. It is a change from the market of old, and probably shouldn't be considered a replacement for the old Castle market, rather a new style of market altogether.


There is a still a need for an old style market to cater to the poorer residents and those in the suburbs, with good transport links, very low costs for people to trade if not free.


Moor market can work, but we need a thriving 'Less' market as well to compliment it and cater for others.


Simple outdoor stalls near the train station on the idle land that was Dyson House would surely be a good temporary use of the land with outdoor stalls leading to Haymarket along Pond St, and refurbishment of Old Post Office into a Market Hall or other attraction.


Moor market probably needs better transport links. What about having the tram connect Sheffield Uni and Station along the Inner ring road stopping near the bottom of the Moor.

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How's the Kelvin Flats doing these days? About as well as the airport, and the Town Hall extension I'd say. There again the renovated canal basin isn't exactly dragging the visitors in.


Ok wind your neck in before you make yourself look silly.


The "canal basin" now has a different purpose. Its filled with offices who pay far more in rents to the landlord than some wannabe tourist attraction.


The airport I agree was a failure but again makes far much more income now as a business park than anything to do with flights.


As for the town hall extension, it served it purpose for 25 years before the WHOLE AREA was completely redeveloped not just one building.


Cities evolve. Sometimes projects do fail but its how you deal with it afterwards that counts.

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There is a still a need for an old style market to cater to the poorer residents and those in the suburbs, with good transport links, very low costs for people to trade if not free.


Is there? Those looking for a bargain go to the likes B&M, Aldi, Lidl, Home Bargains etc not forgetting charity shops it must be very difficult for small businesses to compete on equal terms with these kinds of companies. There are day traders outside the market that seem relatively busy and trade on the bargain side but I don't think we need much more than this.


Simple outdoor stalls near the train station on the idle land that was Dyson House would surely be a good temporary use of the land with outdoor stalls leading to Haymarket along Pond St, and refurbishment of Old Post Office into a Market Hall or other attraction.


Too late the Old Post Office is currently being refurbished into a university building. There is a proposal from the people who run Pedlar market to turn the Dyson House plot into a venue for their markets.

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As for the town hall extension, it served it purpose for 25 years before the WHOLE AREA was completely redeveloped not just one building.


Yes but the problem there is it cost over £9 million to build and the selling spiel to build it was that it would last 100's of years yet it was demolished after only 25 years.


Cities evolve. Sometimes projects do fail but its how you deal with it afterwards that counts.


I agree but afterwards the taxpayer still has to pay up! The failed digital region was sold to a US company for an undisclosed sum and over £27 million has to be repaid back to the EU by the various councils involved with the biggest slice coming from SCC. The failed airport is interesting as the land could not have been acquired and developed into a business park normally. It needed the go ahead for an airport to be built on it first. It may may more money as a business park and yet for some strange reason the land was only sold off for £1. The failed Sheffield incinerator upgrade plan cost over £25 million and then gets given away to private enterprise because it was not planned out properly. Yet all those involved in theses failed projects don't get held to account afterwards.

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Is there? Those looking for a bargain go to the likes B&M, Aldi, Lidl, Home Bargains etc not forgetting charity shops it must be very difficult for small businesses to compete on equal terms with these kinds of companies. There are day traders outside the market that seem relatively busy and trade on the bargain side but I don't think we need much more than this.


If people were provided with an area to trade rent free, or at very low cost, the area would flourish and allow for individuals and small businesses to compete with larger businesses. It'd be worthwhile to allow this, as it would increase employment and competition. One of the reasons we lack small businesses, with the resulting variety and competition is the difficulty and high cost of competing with big business.


Too late the Old Post Office is currently being refurbished into a university building. There is a proposal from the people who run Pedlar market to turn the Dyson House plot into a venue for their markets.


If OPO is being refurbished that is good, I was only suggesting it, as it has lain empty for so long, and anything would be good to get it back into use. Outdoor stalls along Pond St would be a good addition and increase the footfall of Pond St. and allow for it to be used as a (popular) route to reach the Haymarket area and perhaps the old Castle tourist site or whatever is planned for the old castle market site. Pond St has a lot of potential and is underused currently.

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I went to Leeds last week and their market is MUCH better. The design, the choice of goods available and the atmosphere.


There isn't a car park nearby and it was packed, at 3pm. I don't think The Moor Market has problems due to parking - it's due to the design and crap stuff on sale.

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