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The New Moor Market

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been to the new market today,what a joke lots of empty stalls,didnt seem busy for a new market,what a joke it hasn't got a chance unless theres more stalls taken,even then if they cannot fill them now what chance when they pay rent,another council mess,never mind could make a good pound shop or small dept store.sorry to seem so glum but it hasn't even got any noise of a normal market

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It is too quiet, it is too small, there are too many empty stalls, but it's the only market we have. Maybe part of the reason it's like that is because it's been open over a month & that's the first time you've visited. It can't really be too quiet & too small at the same time, can it? If it was too small you wouldn't be able to move in there & there wouldn't be empty stalls. Problem is not enough people use it.

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I have to agree with all you have said about food standards. I am always amazed when we visit Australia how good the basic food is. It's like it used to be here years ago.We couldn't believe the difference. A few years ago I worked with a bloke from a village in Zimbabwe and he kept saying how rubbish the food was here compared to that in his village. The first time we went to Queensland I was pleased because up until then I thought it was me loosing my taste for things over time.


When you see what the butchers are selling in the market, you can figure out why: very little lamb; some beef; lots and lots of pork and chicken. Why's that? That's what the customers will buy. Why's that? Because it's cheap, not because it's great quality. Why's it cheap? Because it's mass-produced, factory-farmed lowest-common-denominator pork and chicken. And you know what, that is not good quality basic food - but it's what the customers in Sheffield prefer.

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I've been for the second time today, I must admit there were not many shoppers in.

I still say it was built in the wrong place, it's a bit out of the way to get to for most people.

Most towns have their markets practically on the doorstep of the bus stations.

But it was nice to buy a bit of fresh fish. I did notice the rif raf are accumulating outside again as they did with the Castle Market.

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I've been for the second time today, I must admit there were not many shoppers in.

I still say it was built in the wrong place, it's a bit out of the way to get to for most people.

Most towns have their markets practically on the doorstep of the bus stations.

But it was nice to buy a bit of fresh fish. I did notice the rif raf are accumulating outside again as they did with the Castle Market.

What do these rif raf look like ,do some of em have a nice pin stripe suit of clothes perhaps the same as Sir [EX] Fred Goodwin or maybe a nice Jag to do ninety miles an hour in on the MI as a certain Lord from our area, or maybe fiddle the books a little bit the same as the majority of M.P's have done , Maybe they are bankers who are now all laughing all the way to the latest skiing holiday as they splash around the new bonuses now that they have left all the Rif Raf well and truly in the ****e!!.

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What do these rif raf look like ,do some of em have a nice pin stripe suit of clothes perhaps the same as Sir [EX] Fred Goodwin or maybe a nice Jag to do ninety miles an hour in on the MI as a certain Lord from our area, or maybe fiddle the books a little bit the same as the majority of M.P's have done , Maybe they are bankers who are now all laughing all the way to the latest skiing holiday as they splash around the new bonuses now that they have left all the Rif Raf well and truly in the ****e!!.



Sorry, that must have been me on my way to buy beer again, I apologise for my unkempt and disheveled appearance.

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Sorry, that must have been me on my way to buy beer again, I apologise for my unkempt and disheveled appearance.


Well stop hanging around outside the new Mall you will have the appearance police eyeing you up and down , maybe they will bar you from walking down the Moor in day light hours! , still you could always head for the Haymarket where you will be alone among the now ruined business premises and the dereliction that has been allowed to happen to that historical trading area.

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A friend wanted a stall for her Mexican food but then got rejected. I have no idea who she contacted and what "criteria" were set up then. It is obvious that SCC wants diversity...


It's no secret, she would have had to fill in the application form here:



The criteria are given on the application form. Trade balance is indeed part of those criteria.

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It's no secret, she would have had to fill in the application form here:



The criteria are given on the application form. Trade balance is indeed part of those criteria.


The much loved little tailor that used to trade opposite the Soda Fountin in the old Market was also refused a stall.


He was very good at altering shirts, frocks, trousers, and suits but not very good at filling in forms and busines plans so the suits! rejected his application.

He would have been a big success in the new Mall.

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