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The New Moor Market

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Been in today and so far relatively impressed with the lay out, it seems like a much bigger Crystal Peaks market.


I think the food area is a little crammed together but as could be seen, there are lots of vacant units that had signs written above so still loads to come in, I can see every unit being taken on the run up to Xmas.


I had a chat with some of the stall holders, some of them had been in the old market up to 40 years, a real shock to them and some did look rather stressed, I mean some spent their whole lives at Castle Market and this will take some adjustment, mostly all I spoke to were happy for the change and was looking forward to having new customers.


I think when the cinema gets going, in say 5 years time the Moor will be busy as hell and a real retail experience, just hope they get cracking and pull Castle Market down pronto and get stuck in to the new cinema, when Primark moves down the Moor that will bring loads of foot fall as well so let's just give it a chance.


I mean, us Sheffielders are a moaning pile of freaks anyway, we are always after a bargain or the cheapest place to buy stuff, owt for nowt mentality. So you cannot be surprised when the council cater for that and yet we moan even more because there is not more classy joints around.

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Now now Pete, I think he has a legit point. I never went to Castle Market because of its reputation and frankly, after I went last week I realised I hadn't missed anything. The new market will certainly get me trying it for a while to see if it offers more than Castle Market did. I think they will miss a big opportunity if they don't offer something with a bit more interest for those with some money to spend.


Tzijlstra I don't get this reputation it had, okay so not the most celubrious but I never saw anyone duffed up, or bladdered or selling drugs as most reckon. If I wanted to see a drunk I'd go to Peace Gardens in the old days, or just walk up High Street, sorry but CM got a lot of unnecessary criticism.


In days gone by if i wanted to see some smelly bloke flogging games, I'd go to the moor. As I say the wife said she'll try the new market so its posh looking, but on TV it just looked like Crinkle Peaks market & that is a run down dump.


If it gets warm next year who knows I may have a trip down the moor to see it, as long as can get round on my scooter.

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I'm going to wait till the initial rush has died down a bit before going in as I'll want to locate the toilets at the very least. The people mentioning that they expected it to be on more than one level should remember a mezzanine level was in the original plans along with a walkway through to the car park next door, sadly these plans had to be scaled back when the original developer pulled out and the council were left with either getting a scaled back version up and running or Sheffield being left with a building site with nothing happening, I think they did the right thing.


Will be interesting to know if the ability to expand has be built into it, like they tend to do with football grounds - i.e. in 2-3 years time raise the roof and put an upper deck in.

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No, but it seems having a wall of dole people and toothless bums hanging about and watching you as you get your wallet out doesn't encourage people to want to go there to shop. It didn't encourage me to go down there anyway.


Hopefully the days of 'putting on the hard face and nipping in and out without making eye contact' are long gone with the new market.


As I say mate, I never felt intimidated in there whenever I went in:)

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Tzijlstra I don't get this reputation it had, okay so not the most celubrious but I never saw anyone duffed up, or bladdered or selling drugs as most reckon. If I wanted to see a drunk I'd go to Peace Gardens in the old days, or just walk up High Street, sorry but CM got a lot of unnecessary criticism.


In days gone by if i wanted to see some smelly bloke flogging games, I'd go to the moor. As I say the wife said she'll try the new market so its posh looking, but on TV it just looked like Crinkle Peaks market & that is a run down dump.


If it gets warm next year who knows I may have a trip down the moor to see it, as long as can get round on my scooter.


I should think it will be completely scooter/wheelchair friendly, building regulations and all that :)


Reputations are a funny thing Pete, they are usually not deserved but they have a habit of lingering. For example, Bryan Robson might become a world beating manager all of a sudden, but you'll always remember him for being a numpty at United.

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I should think it will be completely scooter/wheelchair friendly, building regulations and all that :)


Reputations are a funny thing Pete, they are usually not deserved but they have a habit of lingering. For example, Bryan Robson might become a world beating manager all of a sudden, but you'll always remember him for being a numpty at United.


TBH mate, I never even liked him as a player just summat about him, well if the wife likes it and MIL I know they're onto a winner.

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What utter cobblers, are you saying only dole people and bums shopped at the CM, what a snob you are; anyone's money spends anywhere. The difference is most of the people that shopped at CM weren't part of the ten bob millionaire club, i.e. furs coats, no knickers.


i didnt because i felt sick every time i was there so am i a snob? the new market looks clean so will use it a lot

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I should think it will be completely scooter/wheelchair friendly, building regulations and all that :)


Reputations are a funny thing Pete, they are usually not deserved but they have a habit of lingering. For example, Bryan Robson might become a world beating manager all of a sudden, but you'll always remember him for being a numpty at United.


I get what you are saying.....but trust me mate, Robsen will never be anything other than a numpty.;)

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i didnt because i felt sick every time i was there so am i a snob? the new market looks clean so will use it a lot


If you think you're a snob up to you, I never called you one; you feel free to use the new market as I say when I can I'll have a look, won't be this year though.

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Use it, dont use it, but for goodness sake do we need all the whingeing? Its unlikely you ever used it in the first place.


The market is more or less what was left of the old market under a new roof. the stalls may change over time and I hope they get some more high quality food in and less tat.


The best thing about the place are a lot of the stallholders are down to earth people and dont try and rip you off. I appreciate that instead of looking down my nose at them like some of you.

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