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Don't want to put this on Facebook..but!

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You can stop them seeing your updates by clicking 'Custom' at the bottom of your status box, and adding their name to list of people will won't be able to see that post.


You can stop seeing their updates by going to a the top left of a status they have wrote, an arrow will appear, then click 'Hide all from X"


That person won't ever know you have done this however they will know if you unfriend them, also unfriending them is irreversible without them re-accepting your friends request, whereas my friend two suggestions you can reverse.

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Does anyone know how I 'unfriend' someone without blocking them, I'm not too keen on this person but don't want to go as far as blocking them, I know this May sound a tad underhand but I don't want to argue with anyone..:(


Put your mouse on their name where it says you are friends, go down then click on unfriend.

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