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Bus Fare Price!

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I remember that but that was kids fare and on the trams dont think they had bus's in the city runs ??


I remember when we lived down Owlerton ,which would be before 47.

We used to spend a lot of time playing round the Five Archers.

For some inexplicable reason I had one penny.

I think I must have found it while playing.

I had the bright idea that my friend and I would go to visit my Grandmother on Shiregreen.

This thought probably occurred because we were in the vicinity of the bus stop when we caught the bus to go to Gram's

We got off at Sheffield Lane Top and walked to my Grams on Valentine Rd

At the time I would have been about 6.

She must have been Gob smacked when we walked in the door probably muddy and scruffy

I remember she took us to the bus and paid the conductor ,telling him to put us off at the 5 Arches.

I think it must have been some kind of Circular route.

I know the memory is a funny thing but that's how I remember the 1/2 penny bus fare

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  • 10 months later...
In the early 1970s the lowest child fare was 1p. The rise in the RPI since then is about 1100%, so a fare of 11p would now equal in real terms what kids paid 40 years ago..:(

Yep - like this..:)

hiya, just talking about bus fare only today, we would travel from the bottom of fitzwilliam st on the moor up to hunters bar to go to woodwork class at hunters bar school,that was in 1949/50 the fare was 1d., in our weekend trips we would go to fulwood forge dam from west st top of fitzwilliam st that was a 1d as well, when we set off for home we would walk it back home,from forge dam,

1/ whitley wood,2/ whitley wood bingham park,endcliffe park,down eccleshall rd, home. i remember my dad getting a three halfpenny central that was in the 1940s.when i moved on to where i live now in the mid 60s down to archer rd the fare was 8d

i also remember in the 50s sheffield to boston by coach fishing trips were 12s.6d, (62 .1/2 P) by S.U.T.

Edited by willybite
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