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Simon Cowell-the savior is born.

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Unfortunately our Heritage, History, and anything remotely British are slowly being eroded even school nativity's and what it stands for or now doomed .As for Mr Cowel many people don't seem to relies the amount of work he does ,and money he gives to charity. Hardly a Pratt .


At least we still have Easter Eggs

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So, 25% of children when asked who was born on Christmas Day answered Simon Cowell. What do they teach kids in school these days, everyone knows it's Noddy Holder!


On a serious note, I know there isn't a big push for RE in schools these days but this is common knowledge, surely?


So if you know when Jesus was born, what date did he die?

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Originally Posted by dawny1970


well it wasnt jesus, so whowas born on xmas day?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Okay so it may not have been him, but for eons Christmas has been the celebration of his birth, not some smarmy prat like Cowell.


christmas was co'opted from a pagam ritual celebrating mid winter actually if you check your history



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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