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Harper's British Classics, Meadowhall


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My partner and I ate at Harper's British Classics, Meadowhall today. Here is my experience which I hope the owner will use as constructive feedback.


I was served by a young man whose name began with J. We received no smile or greeting and throughout he made no eye contact. His expression was one of robotic boredom. My partner requested a portion of pie from a freshly prepared dish and that seemed to irritate him. I noticed that the portions he placed on our plates were not as large as the portions other assistants were placing on the plates of other customers. At the till he was more interested in nudging a female assistant than in concentrating on our sale. He passed the change and moved away with no word of thanks.


The mashed potatoes, carrots, and broccoli,were lukewarm. The carrots were not parboiled but were almost raw. The steak and kidney pie, however, was hot and tasted excellent.


We have eaten there before and the service and meal has been excellent. This time it was disappointing.

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If you're allowed to report on your experiences, so is Spartacus.


Yes but he never reported his previous positive experiences but has chosen a public forum to air his recent grievance which seems a little unfair?


Anyone searching for this place online will now discover this negative review and have their view potentially altered .


The bad experience might have been a one off , an employee having a bad day.


Not a reason to permanently damage someone's business.


I am all for praising places in public where needed, but I have taken the personal view that from now on any bad experiences will be aired at the time of the visit to the owner / manager but not written about on here.

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