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Ian Watkins (Lostprophets) pleads guilty to sex offences with children

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No plain.

His sentence is 29 yrs , at 2/3 he can apply for parole. He may or may not get it, he will then do rest on licence plus the extended 6 yrs licence on top.


However I think this sentence will get reduced on appeal


That's disgusting.


If he does do so, IMO, it ought to be upped for him having the cheek to appeal! :o

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(not being of the criminal type, I don't get how custodial sentences work. I know that if it's over a certain amount, for certain crimes they get a reduction for "good behaviour".


I know this because a friends' ex husband got sent down for 7 years for attempting to molest his mentally handicapped step-daughter. (I'd have made it 77 as he he was such a low-life, but that's another story) This slimeball lost his remission, because he kept having fights with the prison warders. Naturally, one was terribly disappointed to see him lose remission... ;) (she said, with her tongue firmly in her cheek)


---------- Post added 18-12-2013 at 20:28 ----------


Why is it disgusting?

If the court of appeal view the sentence as manifestfally excessive it will be reduced in accordance with the law.

If not it will stay.


I am not condoning it just stating it as a plain fact without emotion.


I agree the crime is shocking


IMO, it's disgusting that the sentence could be construed as excessive, and that he should have the opportunity to appeal against it, considering the gravity of the crime he committed.


(edited to add:- my comments also posted with no emotion or knee-jerking)

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Lol at him loosing remission.


Most normally sentences they serve half then automatically released after the half way point. This type of sentence is different, it is also NOT a life sentence,


I do however disagree with you when you say its disgusting that he should have the opportunity to appeal it, everyone has the right to lodge an appeal against a sentence or conviction, most get dismissed, but they still have the right to lodge one (within certain time styles, although this can be extended with permission of the court of appeal (known as out of time/extension of time) It is a corner stone of our legal system and you cant pick and choose who has what NO matter what the crime.

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