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Ian Watkins (Lostprophets) pleads guilty to sex offences with children

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My son loved the band mate. I did. Really good tunes with melody and all out distortion. I heard rumours about this Ian and did a short net search of him from metal sites. You don't wanna see his profile on some adult websites. Apparently he was well known for his crazed sexual appetite. With groupies etc


The rest of the band must have known he was degenerate.


* That's in my opinion.


Fearne Cotton's skin must be crawling tonight, she used to date him apparently.

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Justice isn't about the cost of carrying it out. Too many innocent people have been found guilty of crimes which would have carried the death penalty if we'd still had it. I don't think we should arbitrarily execute people on a point of principle. The lowest of the low can be punished without the use of a bullet.


I'd fully support testing on him. Leave the animals alone. Let's test shampoo and perfume in his eyes.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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i just hope he gets the fullest sentence possible (not like these ones where it's just a few years) and that he serves every single day of it - not getting out early like others who have done similar evil acts recently :(


i hope this poor baby is ok but all the research shows that even if a child is not consciously aware of it, early life events affect the entire life and personality. let's hope this isn't true in this case

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There will be people who agree or disagree that this vile man should lose his life for his sordid crimes, what he has done is raise the bar for this type of despicable activity and should be punished accordingly.


It should be death in this case.




If you had committed this vile act what do you think would be the easy option. Death or spending the rest of your life in little more than a box?


I would choose death every time. It is the easy way out.


For the uneducated who spout on about tax money spent on prisons IT COSTS MORE to put someone to death than to keep them in prison all their life.


Let him rot in a cell knowing he is not coming out.

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How can that be?


Lawyer costs on appeal I guess.


I'm against capital punishment, always have been, always will be. Our justice system is human, therefore it makes mistakes.

Big believer in life meaning life though so happy for these sick people never to see the outside of their cell again.

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How can that be?


I posted this months ago but it is the same.


In Nevada, pursuit of the death penalty takes, on average, 1211 hours more time for public defenders per case than similar non-capital cases. Kansas spends roughly 70% more on each death penalty case, and Maryland spends nearly $3 million per case, or about 3 times what it costs to pursue non-capital convictions. California spends nearly $170 million per year under its current death penalty system, and could save an estimated $5 to $7 billion over the next fifty years if such sentences were reduced to life without parole.


Britain would be no different. It is the pursuit of the death penalty that costs a fortune.

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I posted this months ago but it is the same.


In Nevada, pursuit of the death penalty takes, on average, 1211 hours more time for public defenders per case than similar non-capital cases. Kansas spends roughly 70% more on each death penalty case, and Maryland spends nearly $3 million per case, or about 3 times what it costs to pursue non-capital convictions. California spends nearly $170 million per year under its current death penalty system, and could save an estimated $5 to $7 billion over the next fifty years if such sentences were reduced to life without parole.


Britain would be no different. It is the pursuit of the death penalty that costs a fortune.


You really can't compare the English legal system with the American. It's like comparing cheese with donkey meat.


Our system isn't perfect, but the American system is hideous. It's a bloated, fat, wasteful lump of a system, not too far from how ours was 50 years ago.


I have an involvement with the ABA, and from discussing procedures in America with American members, and comparing them to the rules we're bound by, it's no wonder their costs are so high.


The one that always gets me - jury selection?! What's that about? You can spend a week or two asking searching questions of your potential jurors until you choose the ones you think give you the best chance of an acquittal? That's ridiculous. Try doing that in front of some of the circuit Judges in Sheffield. You'd be laughed at.


American law wastes time, money and effort in a way that would make Lords Woolf and Jackson actually cry and pull their hair out.


From lengthy experience of the UK system, I would be very confident in saying that it would not cost more to execute someone than it would to keep them in prison for life.

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