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Nigella lawson drug allegations

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She does absolutely nothing for me Frank, and I hate skinny birds I like mine with meat on, but Nigella no thanks.


each to their own lad, each to their own - 'every hand its glove' as my grannie used to say - mind you, she'd spin in her grave if she knew I admitted to fancying a tory.

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The word is, that Saatchi did know, was not happy that she was using so much and was trying to stop her. He may not have known if she was only doing a little sometimes but then became aware as things got more regular.


Bet he was scratching his head at the price of icing sugar.

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charles saatchi, multi millionaire adman, collector of truly crappy 'art' and funder of the tory party, alleges that his ex wife and (allegedly) victim of his domestic violence, is a drug user who lost control, allowing their domestic employees to misuse their credit cards.


without prejudice to the upcoming legal proceedings (my legal training is coming into its own here) that's a good story innit.


Don't think so, mate.

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