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Nigella lawson drug allegations

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I read lots of things.


In this case, I read a link that you were using to back up your case. Erroneously as it turns out.


If I were linking to a site, I'd use something that I considered reliable and credible.


You linked to David Irving's blog. Presumably, you considered that this site gave your argument some credibility.


Yes it was erroneous, I made a mistake but let's keep it simple. The OP said Charles Saatchi was a 'funder of the tory party'. He might well be but I said I don't think so. Nobody has yet shown me that he is.

It's on the OP to back up his claim.

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Yes it was erroneous, I made a mistake but let's keep it simple. The OP said Charles Saatchi was a 'funder of the tory party'. He might well be but I said I don't think so. Nobody has yet shown me that he is.

It's on the OP to back up his claim.


It is. I agree.


I really couldn't care less about their financial affairs.


The Saatchi brothers have done all that they can tot ry to keep the Tories in power for the last three decades. Whether they do this by donation, or by action matters not to me.


Charles is showing his true colours at the moment, though. It isn't a pretty sight.

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the idea that fragrant, brown eyed, tory born, beautiful widow nigella was off her (voluminous) tittz as she smooched to the camera is deeply amusing.


like paul flowers, the co op man, I guess she'll be arrested (she won't) & I'm still baffled how they both kept 'fuller figures' on heavy duty stimulants, unless they also smoked so much cannabis that the munchies kicked in.


Well, it was mentioned that she also did prescription drugs and a Class B drug. It's very likely that the Class B would be cannabis.


Is it really any surprise that Nigella would use cocaine? I don't think so.

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I ve heard this story but it makes me wonder whether its a bit of sour eggs off her husband. I mean , yes, we can all slate her after these allegations, but she slated her husband as a wife beater so what if he's just trying to get her back and has lied to the court to damage her character. He is a very influential person with his money and its a shame if he's just trying to make her the baddie.

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If it is true then I cant see thats its that shocking. Putting up with him would probably be very hard. Will it destroy her media career? It seems odd they would use the joint company credit card if they were meant to keep it a secret from him?


His behaviour seems very spiteful and she is lucky to get away. I dont believe he was ignornat of the fact for ten years. She had a chance to say something in defence of himat the time of the photos , but said nothing which was odd. The photos still look pretty agressive.


What is interesting is this defence and everyone will be glued to when she gives evidence. The defence say it is a tacit understanding. They arent saying it was a stated consent i.e she said go ahead and use the cards, but some form of understanding by osmosis. Their normal salaries were ridiculously low 20 and 25k for London. Why did they take so long to submit this defence?


If they at any stage said we need to use the credit card and as long as you let us use it we wont tell your hubby, then thats becoming close to a blackmail situation.


Even if it is true then I hope it doesnt destroy her career. She came across with great credit when I saw the John Diamond documentraies.


Two other points.

1 Why go ahead with a prosecution and not say anything if this was true? Nigella must have known it would come out if it was true, but seh went ahead anyway. The accusations did not come till months later after the initial defence.


2. Saachi claims he knew nothing for ten years, but in the same statement claims she was off her head all the time. What sort of husband wouldnt notice that?

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charles saatchi, multi millionaire adman, collector of truly crappy 'art' and funder of the tory party, alleges that his ex wife and (allegedly) victim of his domestic violence, is a drug user who lost control, allowing their domestic employees to misuse their credit cards.


without prejudice to the upcoming legal proceedings (my legal training is coming into its own here) that's a good story innit.


If I was married to that wife beating sack of smashed crabs, I'd be throwing anything down my neck that made me feel better and him look nicer!!


What a dick!


---------- Post added 27-11-2013 at 12:17 ----------


I wonder when her recipes for skunk fudge and hash cookies will come out.


I'm not sure you can cook with cocaine.


The bitterness might be good in a cocktail, and it would numb your lips and throat, but you don't want to be mixing it with booze.


Sooner rather than later I hope!


And by the way you should always mix coke with booze!

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