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Nigella lawson drug allegations

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He didn't know about her drug taking until they were splitting up. She's a multi millionaire in her own right, so she wasn't destroying his wealth.


If you think that photo looks like he's trying to look up her nose, I don't think you would make a very good detective.


She was giving it to two PAs by the sounds of it, but forget the wealth, the other two reasons stand.

Of course he knew about the drugs.

The photo you posted looks like he's got his hand over her mouth. "Please stop talking". Not wife beating. If you think that's wife beating I don't think you would make a very good prosecutor for the CPS.

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Why do people feel the need to take sides in the argument and defend one and slate the other? We don't know them. Maybe they're both as bad as each other?


I agree with you here.


How it's all coming across to me, is a nasty situation all round. Two people in an unhealthy relationship, ruled by PR, the press.


With all that wealth and privilege there doesn't seem to be a lot of happiness for these two. What's the betting that it was Saatchi's "people" who have directed him to start this mud slinging? Did he have to actually say that she was "off her head" to anyone? Did they actually have to take these two to court in the first place? Couldn't they have just dismissed them and taken the loss - I'm sure it wouldn't even make a dent in their fortune.


What's the betting that Lawson's "people" will start making "poor me" counter strikes at some point? The poor misunderstood widow, the pressure of being the domestic goddess married to a tyrant etc etc.


What a sordid little carry on. Makes you glad for the genuine relationships in your life. You know, where you actually care for your partners, friends and family, not what the public thinks or how you might financially gain from it.

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I agree with you here.


How it's all coming across to me, is a nasty situation all round. Two people in an unhealthy relationship, ruled by PR, the press.


With all that wealth and privilege there doesn't seem to be a lot of happiness for these two. What's the betting that it was Saatchi's "people" who have directed him to start this mud slinging? Did he have to actually say that she was "off her head" to anyone? Did they actually have to take these two to court in the first place? Couldn't they have just dismissed them and taken the loss - I'm sure it wouldn't even make a dent in their fortune.


What's the betting that Lawson's "people" will start making "poor me" counter strikes at some point? The poor misunderstood widow, the pressure of being the domestic goddess married to a tyrant etc etc.


What a sordid little carry on. Makes you glad for the genuine relationships in your life. You know, where you actually care for your partners, friends and family, not what the public thinks or how you might financially gain from it.


Most divorces result in acrimony, bitterness and some sort of financial haggling. Rich or poor. Don't see how these people are any different they are human whether they are wealthy or not.

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She was giving it to two PAs by the sounds of it, but forget the wealth, the other two reasons stand.

Of course he knew about the drugs.

The photo you posted looks like he's got his hand over her mouth. "Please stop talking". Not wife beating. If you think that's wife beating I don't think you would make a very good prosecutor for the CPS.


Yeah, I guess.


Seems like there are so many other people's interests at play here though, not just the couple.

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I agree with you here.


What's the betting that Lawson's "people" will start making "poor me" counter strikes at some point? The poor misunderstood widow, the pressure of being the domestic goddess married to a tyrant etc etc.


Or she could have stayed silent. Did he have to go to the Daily Mail? He could just get on with his life and let her get on with hers? We dont know what happened but I got the impression he was not so nice and she was much nicer. Of course people will form opinions.

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