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Comet ISON could hold clues to the origins of life on Earth

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'In 2009. A team of NASA researchers announced the discovery of glycine, an amino acid, in samples recovered from the Stardust spacecraft from Comet 81P/Wild 2, which the spacecraft encountered in 2004. The announcement was exciting because glycine, as one of the amino acids, is a fundamental building block of life'.


If comets are a delivery system for amino acids this could be really exciting news in our understanding of abiogenesis.

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'In 2009. A team of NASA researchers announced the discovery of glycine, an amino acid, in samples recovered from the Stardust spacecraft from Comet 81P/Wild 2, which the spacecraft encountered in 2004. The announcement was exciting because glycine, as one of the amino acids, is a fundamental building block of life'.


If comets are a delivery system for amino acids this could be really exciting news in our understanding of abiogenesis.


I too believe everything I read in the Huff Post. Such terminology as 'laundry list of chemicals found in comets' is the clincher ... they really know what they're talking about. I wonder if comets are composed of all the lost socks? :rolleyes:

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I too believe everything I read in the Huff Post. Such terminology as 'laundry list of chemicals found in comets' is the clincher ... they really know what they're talking about. I wonder if comets are composed of all the lost socks? :rolleyes:


Apologies if the science was a little low brow for you, who knows maybe they were targeting the article to be a little more understanding by the general readers.


Anyway, here's something I found from NASA. It seems a little more detailed.



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