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Walter fox and son


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this question as had me thinking for years. it's why the derelicked old building of walter fox on Suffolk rd next to the B&c funeral directors it's been empty for years there are even bushes and trees growing out of the windows I would like to know if there are any plans for the building and the site. it's now an eye sore and not in keeping with the rest of the area, and where the co-op funeral home is can anyone remember the old turn table were steam trains turn round thanks forumers steve

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The building on Suffolk Road besides the Funeral place was WW Laycocks. Walter Fox and Partners building is across the road and is now the Leadmill.

The buildings in question did belong to Walter Foxs old Tom who used to fetch the sarnies lived there and was a bit of a caretaker.

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Can remember the turntable on what we used to know as the fish dock. Holidaymakers cars used to be loaded there on to the Motorail train to Scotland.

Can also remember the circus unloading the animals off the train at the fish dock & parading them through the town up to the big top on Devonshire Street.

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