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What's great about Great Britain?


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Probably the word "great' originally meant that it was a combinations of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all one nation within the British isles


---------- Post added 27-11-2013 at 21:40 ----------


What makes Britain great for me:


The British sense of humour, it's irreverant full of irony and mocking of those in authority. Some American businessmen have complained about the 'tall poppy' syndrome, where the British, who sensing that people are getting too big for their boots, quickly cut them down to size. Perhaps it helps us cope with our notorious class system.


Our landscape and the country's temperature. I come from a Pennine town - lots of hills, brooding landscapes and moody weather. I also liked the fact that on occassion we have cold winters and warm summers, though of late the seasons seem to be merging and the weather can often seem much of a muchness.


Our lanuage and its idiosyncracies, it is said to be a hard language to learn, possibly because there are lots of rules, and lots of exceptions to those rules.


The BBC, and some of the other channels too. I especially like Radio 4


The fact that we have something like a welfare state and a National Health Service, though it seelms to be permanently under attack.


I like our civic society - that we have libraries, museums and many of their facilities are free to use. I also think the voluntary spirit that underpins British society makes it great too.


Well said. Although I no longer live in Britain I enjoy my occasional visits. I dont see any sign of the country going to the dogs.

People seem much better off, enjoying the good things in life and living in far better housing than when I left in 1965

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Probably the word "great' originally meant that it was a combinations of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all one nation within the British isles


No, it's quite simply the name of the largest island in the British Isles. It's been called Great Britain long before the union of the nations.

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Super Hans. lel.


Anyway hey if you don't like England you know you could always move.


I do like England and I'm proud to be British, but I would like it even more if those who bring the country I love down by moaning about how bad it is just migrated to somewhere that would make them happier.


Then everyone is a winner. And honestly I'm not having a go when I say that, I'm suggesting what's best for you...if I was unhappy with where I lived I would move, it's sincere advice to help you enjoy your life more.


But is there a country with only England people that lien1 can move to?


If not, moving isn't going to help.

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Can anyone please tell me what's great about our once proud country!

When you see what's happening on the news,

our borders open for almost anyone. In the new year ,our nhs is under

Strain can't cope with the high demand no jobs in my opinion the uk is a dump

Why do we put up with this and what can be done ,I am no longer proud to be British I find it so sad :|


One or two openings coming up in Romania according to some people,you could give that a go.

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One or two openings coming up in Romania according to some people,you could give that a go.


And that is what makes us so great, allowing anyone from almost every country, the freedom to come here and make this country a great melting pot, proving we are an example of tolerance towards every culture and creed.

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