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How many empty bottles/cans of alcohol do you put in the recycle bin.

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A long, long, long time ago, when meeting a girl's parents for the first time I would take

the mother a bottle of Advocaat, just presenting it had an amazing effect, I wouldn't have

said more than a dozen words and yet the girl's mother thought I was the most wonderful

person, on the other hand the look on the father's face...


Oh that is so true Mike

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I've got two bins:D


A pair of specs, then?


I recycle my glass, cans and plastic, as and when, at any supermarket/diy store recyling facility that I happen to be passing or visiting, so I don't really have the numbers.


I only use the blue bin to recycle paper on the fortnightly collection.

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How many many empty alcohol bottles/cans are in you recyle bin, on the

fortnightly collection ?


It was a wake up call with the blue bins, seeing how much we get through. I reckon the crash from our bin when it's tipped in the lorry wakes up the entire street ...

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