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Boris's 'Greed is Good' speech

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Hurrah for virtues of greed and envy of the successful in the world's financial centres and boardrooms. It was the vices of fairness and moderation that caused the crash. The poor must shoulder the greatest burden, they are the ones that caused this crisis!

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Hurrah for virtues of greed and envy of the successful in the world's financial centres and boardrooms. It was the vices of fairness and moderation that caused the crash. The poor must shoulder the greatest burden, they are the ones that caused this crisis!


well put actually the poor did and should shoulder it, the soft loans given to the poor blacks and white trailer trash in the states who could never repay these loans caused the worldwide crash, the loans were created for pc reasons and the have ""all" mentality for "all"

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well put actually the poor did and should shoulder it, the soft loans given to the poor blacks and white trailer trash in the states who could never repay these loans caused the worldwide crash, the loans were created for pc reasons and the have ""all" mentality for "all"


Those poor, who were persuaded to take out a mortgage by the banks, were told the same as council tenants in the UK. 'A mortgage will work out cheaper than paying rent'. Then, interests rates increased. Those people were no more to blame, just like people in the UK when interest rates doubled in one year from 8% to 16% in the 80s.

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Those poor, who were persuaded to take out a mortgage by the banks, were told the same as council tenants in the UK. 'A mortgage will work out cheaper than paying rent'. Then, interests rates increased. Those people were no more to blame, just like people in the UK when interest rates doubled in one year from 8% to 16% in the 80s.


i am sure they didnt take much persuading???? in america or uk, the dangle of the carrot to save or make money (which a lot did and do with ex council houses) and that translates into greed! easy its human nature deny all you like:roll: when people invest you dont hear a squeak from them when things are good ...........but when it all goes t..s up..........who can we blame....oh yes the bankers and the tories:huh:

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well put actually the poor did and should shoulder it, the soft loans given to the poor blacks and white trailer trash in the states who could never repay these loans caused the worldwide crash, the loans were created for pc reasons and the have ""all" mentality for "all"


Quite right. The poor should not have been encouraged to borrow by the PC brigade and the bankers should not have loaned to those who couldn't afford it - the NINJAs

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greed is what makes the economic world go round dontcha know?? without greed we would have no entrepreneurs,nobody that risks their money to improve their lives and pay the wages of the workers, we wouldn't have the 1% that pay 30% of all taxes !! then where would we be???:roll:


They don't pay 30% of all taxes.

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