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A question for the men- would you shave with a straight razor?

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Bypassblade. If you supported the other lot I'd be all for you giving it a go! :D


My advice would be don't even think about it. I was given one as a present about 45 years ago & wound up giving it away without using it.


The advice I was given by the man who gave it to me was to blow up a balloon, lather it with shaving cream & practice shaving the balloon without bursting it.


So if you're determined it might be an idea to try that first before blood is spilt. :o


Well I've ordered it now, and I may try your idea of the balloon, just the devil in me wants one & as has been said razors are so expensive today.

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Good tip - if you're using an open razor to shave with don't use rubbishy shaving soap or toilet bar soap. I did when I tried with an open razor & it just irritated my skin.

You don't need to spend a fortune though - Morrisons and Superdug sell Palmolive shaving cream that's about £2:00 a tube a lasts a while.

Also an alum block is very good - helps dry up cuts and shaving nicks


I just use a safety razor now as I don't like to take my time shaving in a morning

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Before growing a beard I was very tempted to get one as the price of disposable blades is pretty extortionate.

If it was me, I'd have one. Yeah, you will no doubt cut yourself a few times but remember, men were using them for hundreds of years before safety razors came along and we seem to have survived pretty well as a species.




One of the first patients who they trialled antibiotics on was a police constable who had a small cut on his head that had become a serious infection. In the days before antibiotics even a simple cut could progress into a horrendous fatal infection. The PC, despite the antibiotics, died but not before the infection had eaten away at his head and his eyes. Shaving cuts will have finished off quite a few people.

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I have my beard shaped once or twice weekly by a barber. I thought I'd try doing it myself to save the hassle of getting there - and obviously some money.


After buying a good quality cut throat kit, all I can say is...never again! It was a nightmare. The guys that shave and shape my beard earn every penny!


It's all about directions and angles - and it's just not easy to do yourself. I certainly wouldn't want one of my kids doing it. :(


That must be a hell of a beard voltaire,i have been shaping mine for over thirty years and i dont see anything difficult about it.:)

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I remember watching this old cowboy film and the guy was all soaped up sat in the chair,there was a little dog sat watching him,he said to the barber wielding the cut throat razor whats the dog looking at,the barber relied I was giving a guy a shave and I slipped and loped his ear off and the dog got it,so he sits here now hoping he is going to get another snack...

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Turkish barbers (proper ones, not season-only-beachfront-for-tourist-ones) aren't allowed anywhere near a customer with a cut-throat until they've served years of apprenticeship.


Obviously, I know such a proper one and know him very well indeed. His son is in his mid-30s and cuts hair, has been working with his dad for 15 years, and has only been allowed to shave customers with a cut-throat in the past 2 years. Been to see Mehmet regularly for the past 6 years (Easter and/or summer), and witnessed this first-hand.


Tells you all you need to know, really :|


The one I used in Olu Deniz trust me was no tourist barber, he was about 70 & had over 50 years experience, his name was what got me, sorry I cannot put on forum but if you want to know PM me seriously.

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