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UKIP,the gift that keeps on giving.

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Cambridgeshire county council is now looking into a number of complaints about the incident, in which the councillor, Gordon Gillick, reportedly asked three teenagers in foster care: "How does it feel to be takers from the system?" He was also reported to have asked them when they would "start giving back to society".

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I'm not into guilt by association but his wife is Victoria Gillick who lost a legal case 30 years ago when she tried to stop doctors from prescribing contraception to under 16 girls in case any of her daughters had the idea. One of her daughters was one at the time. If only Mary Whitehouse were still alive. She could have been UKIP's media spokeswoman, subject to Nigel's permission of course.

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UKIP has grown rapidly recently and there are clearly some people lacking political acumen that have slipped through the net... but it will not put people off from voting for them.


The problem for those on the left using the besmirch tactic is that UKIP's rapid growth comes from people seeing them as the party of last resort. People no longer trust the other main parties to address their concerns regarding immigration and interference with domestic policies from Europe. And, because they are the party of last resort, it means a whole host of misdemeanours and ****-ups will be overlooked.

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UKIP has grown rapidly recently and there are clearly some people lacking political acumen that have slipped through the net... but it will not put people off from voting for them.




I'm expecting to see a few stories like this to try and undermine UKIP's rise, but it won't put me off voting for them.


Perhaps this article should be sent to Denis MacShane.....Give him something to read when he's at Her Majesty's pleasure......All parties have got them, although not all of them break the law. :)





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I'm expecting to see a few stories like this to try and undermine UKIP's rise, but it won't put me off voting for them.


Perhaps this article should be sent to Denis MacShane.....Give him something to read when he's at Her Majesty's pleasure......All parties have got them, although not all of them break the law. :)






Well UKIP had Ashley Mote and Tom Wise in the European Parliament!






Thanks to the EU's many problems, and the closed list voting system for EU elections, UKIP has been able to get a number of MEP's elected. And a few of these have been real stinkers.

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Well UKIP had Ashley Mote and Tom Wise in the European Parliament!






Thanks to the EU's many problems, and the closed list voting system for EU elections, UKIP has been able to get a number of MEP's elected. And a few of these have been real stinkers.


Does anyone care about MEPs though. Whenever I've seen footage of the European parliament it just looks like a bunch of old men rambling on while no one takes any notice. I couldn't even tell you who the MEP for our area is and I bet you couldn't either!

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Does anyone care about MEPs though. Whenever I've seen footage of the European parliament it just looks like a bunch of old men rambling on while no one takes any notice. I couldn't even tell you who the MEP for our area is and I bet you couldn't either!


Nobody can name the MEP for "our area".


There are several of them.


2 Tory

1 Labour

1 Lib Dem

1 UKIP (Now independent)

1 BNP (Now independent)



(And btw, when there was legislation pending in the Euro parliament concerning expenses or something or other. I actuallly forgot what, I wrote to all of them on the matter.


Want to hazard a guess as to which was the only one who had the courtesy to send me reply?*)



Andrew Brons, Godfrey Bloom, and Timothy Kirkhope.


And some other people. A couple of women and another bloke, IIRC?


* And no. I'm not going to tell you whether (s)he was prepared to endorse or oppose my point of view.

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Cambridgeshire county council is now looking into a number of complaints about the incident, in which the councillor, Gordon Gillick, reportedly asked three teenagers in foster care: "How does it feel to be takers from the system?" He was also reported to have asked them when they would "start giving back to society".


Haha what a prat. The Guardian is doing a good job of highlighting the bad apples so that UKIP can expel them.

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UKIP has grown rapidly recently and there are clearly some people lacking political acumen that have slipped through the net... but it will not put people off from voting for them.


It's not just slipping through the net though is it? UKIP actually recruited Neil Hamilton. I mean that's as desperate as you can get. They recruited the dregs of the Tory Party.


Labour has its crooks, as do all the parties, but they have far more elected representatives. I think UKIP had 13 MEPs elected in 2009. Of those 13 only 9 are still UKIP MEPs.


UKIP's big breakthrough came in Lincolnshire in May and they became the official opposition on the council. Within months they'd lost that title as half the UKIP councillors were expelled or resigned. Their rate of attrition is far higher than the other parties because they're a collective of idiosyncratics who lack a cohesion, discipline and common agenda.


People will vote for them if they're only concerned in casting a protest vote.


---------- Post added 29-11-2013 at 13:37 ----------


Haha what a prat. The Guardian is doing a good job of highlighting the bad apples so that UKIP can expel them.


UKIP only tends to expel people who undermine Nigel's hegemony. They put up with Bloom until he took the spotlight off Nigel. It was only then that they acted.

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All parties have their embarrassments from their members and officials from time to time.

It doesn't get much worse than Paul Flowers does it, the porn surfing drug taking bank bankrupting former Labour councillor and Labour advisor.


Then we have the likes of Andy Coulson, previously part of Camerons inner circle, currently in the dock for phone hacking.


Lib Dems had Lord Rennard in their ranks.


None of LibLabCon are free of criminals. This Ukipper may have put his foot in his mouth, he may have said embarrassing things, so did Bloom, but at least they're not criminals.

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