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Lee Rigby's killers trial

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If you lost your home in December 1940 then a lot of what I mentioned was during your time.


I have not talked down to you. You bought a subject up which I find fascinating and I put my point of view across (AFTER you had put yours across). I just explained a few things and if you feel I was condescending then I apologise, but I have read through my post again and can't find where I have been :(


I would never use an internet forum (and especially a topic on the vulgarity and brutality of our species) to enhance my ego. When I need my ego enhancing I sleep with random ladies.


However, I would like to leave you with a question. After what had happened to your home, would you have happily killed a Nazi soldier (assuming you were old enough) a'la the two Micheals who killed Lee Rigby?

That's a good question. I was only 9 at the time. Just prior to the blitz I had been standing out in the street with my mother whille she chatted with a neighbour. I had, as I still do, a passion for aviation, and suddenly an aircraft passed over us very low, so low hat the pilot waved to us as he went by. My Mom said Oh look its a hospital plane with a cross on it. I told her it was a Heinkel 111 of the Luftwaffe, and she almost fainted. I've thought since then that they could just have easily machine gunned us, but didn't. Two years later I won a scholarship to Nether Edge Grammar School where I found I had an aptitude for languages and became fluent in French and German. Later as the war was closing down, German POWs were allowed out into town, and surprisingly most of them were never harmed. My cousin Jean got romantically involved with one, though neither of them spoke the other one's language. In the end, after he went home, I translated their love letters for them. Lot of fun.
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I think she was emphasising she "Knows a fair few". Where as you probably only know a taxi driver at most..and in passing..,and you certainly don't know the views of 1.6 billion as a counter.


Sorry, just remembered, you never use taxis so the likelihood is you know none, so statistically she's probably in a better position than you to comment.


I don't need to know any of the violent murderous Muslims to know that some Muslims are violent and murderous because of their interpretation of the Qur'an. I also don't need to know any to fully understand why some Muslims interpret the Qur'an in a way that causes them to be violent jihadists. I can see how the Qur'an could easily be used by the two Muslims in question to justify their actions.

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I can see how the Qur'an could easily be used by the two Muslims in question to justify their actions.


Yes, we know how easy it is for you to understand the justification of many screwed up elements within our society..almost to the point we could probably script you word for word. You have a history of defending the indefensible.



I don't need to know any of the violent murderous Muslims to know that some Muslims are violent and murderous because of their interpretation of the Qur'an. I also don't need to know any to fully understand why some Muslims interpret the Qur'an in a way that causes them to be violent jihadists. I can see how the Qur'an could easily be used by the two Muslims in question to justify their actions.


:hihi:I'm sure there was room for a few more Muslims, violent and murderous in there somewhere..You'd have done pretty well in the early 40's in Germany. you're slacking

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Generally I'm against the death penalty, but in this case, with such irrefutable evidence, I would be happy if these guys were put to death and then buried in pig skins, the way the Russians did with the opera house hijacking a few years back.

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Did the soldier have more or less of a chance than the civilians that our allies are killing via drone attacks in Pakistan at the moment. Or the armies of Iraq and Afghanistan fighting with out dated ground weaponry and no air defence against the coalition forces.


Whilst I am not justifying what they did, I am pointing out that in some peoples eyes there is justification.


You are just seeing it form your point of view, which is quite small minded.


Can you send me your address please?

Id like to report you to the authorities as i believe anyone who would say that is an enemy of the state.

I bet if they checked your computer youd not see the outside of a prison cell in a very very long time.

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Hope the judge gives them death penalty by I doubt that would happen just a slap on wrist which is ridiculous


I say bring back hanging and hang them or cut their heads of


I say that you don't have a clue about reality.


---------- Post added 30-11-2013 at 12:05 ----------


Generally I'm against the death penalty, but in this case, with such irrefutable evidence, I would be happy if these guys were put to death and then buried in pig skins, the way the Russians did with the opera house hijacking a few years back.


How about cutting off their genitals while they're still alive and burn them? That's what happened to Guy Fawkes after attempting to blow up Parliament.

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Can you send me your address please?

Id like to report you to the authorities as i believe anyone who would say that is an enemy of the state.

I bet if they checked your computer youd not see the outside of a prison cell in a very very long time.


Get over yourself. They were perfectly reasonable observations.

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