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Lee Rigby's killers trial

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That's a good question. I was only 9 at the time. Just prior to the blitz I had been standing out in the street with my mother whille she chatted with a neighbour. I had, as I still do, a passion for aviation, and suddenly an aircraft passed over us very low, so low hat the pilot waved to us as he went by. My Mom said Oh look its a hospital plane with a cross on it. I told her it was a Heinkel 111 of the Luftwaffe, and she almost fainted. I've thought since then that they could just have easily machine gunned us, but didn't. Two years later I won a scholarship to Nether Edge Grammar School where I found I had an aptitude for languages and became fluent in French and German. Later as the war was closing down, German POWs were allowed out into town, and surprisingly most of them were never harmed. My cousin Jean got romantically involved with one, though neither of them spoke the other one's language. In the end, after he went home, I translated their love letters for them. Lot of fun.


If this is even remotely true then you are a better person than most (including me). There are multiple accounts of airmen being shot down and murdered by the local population (on both sides). Are Lee Rigby's killers much worse than these? Could the same legal defence be used in both cases?


Can you send me your address please?

Id like to report you to the authorities as i believe anyone who would say that is an enemy of the state.

I bet if they checked your computer youd not see the outside of a prison cell in a very very long time.


If you send me a pic of yourself, preferably scantily clad, I will judge whether or not you can have my address.


Having searched through your posting history it seems that you are a nasty whinger who is always trying to blame someone else for things you are in the wrong for. I do not believe you are trolling either, because what you say isn't funny or annoying, just sad.


If you believe me to be an "enemy of the state" then report me you silly woman. The police wont need the assistance of a sad, lonely internet warrior to find my address. Silly girl.

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If this is even remotely true then you are a better person than most (including me). There are multiple accounts of airmen being shot down and murdered by the local population (on both sides). Are Lee Rigby's killers much worse than these? Could the same legal defence be used in both cases?




If you send me a pic of yourself, preferably scantily clad, I will judge whether or not you can have my address.


Having searched through your posting history it seems that you are a nasty whinger who is always trying to blame someone else for things you are in the wrong for. I do not believe you are trolling either, because what you say isn't funny or annoying, just sad.


If you believe me to be an "enemy of the state" then report me you silly woman. The police wont need the assistance of a sad, lonely internet warrior to find my address. Silly girl.


Enlarged for posterity. :)

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Perhaps the hang em and flog brigade havent considered the very good reasons that the death penalty shouldnt apply in such cases ie the wider consequences of creating religious martyrs.


So if we had the DP and someone murders a police man, they should be executed but say some religious nutter blew up a shopping centre, they woulndt be?


---------- Post added 30-11-2013 at 13:09 ----------


I speak for myself. The poster made good points. Your comments about anyone saying such things being an 'enemy of the state' were silly.


In your opinion.

Thats something you are entitled to.

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We bombed in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, we have colluded in the killing of 2 million in Iraq, and we build on this pyre in Afghanistan, as we did in Libya. We support terrorist in Syria, and invade and destroy with impunity, under the guise of freedom and democracy, but in fact its all about corporate gain. Blair is a shining example of how an individual can profit from carnage, in his role as Peace Envoy, as he continues to fervently suggest it has to be Iran next.


Civilians are and have been continuously terrorised as we demonstrate the wonders of freedom and democracy. Governments have the right to murder, and justify such policies, when the natives object to such harsh treatment. We punish nations for crimes of individuals, like punishing the whole school for someone breaking a window.


So the horror on the streets of London is just not British, its not what we do. Well not what we do in the UK and is nothing compared to what we do abroad, except not quite.


We do kill out people in tens of thousands every year, but not with bombs, not with knives, or machine guns, as the British palate requires a refined dish, peppered with words, spoken through crocodile tears by various authorities, and sincere politicians. We kill through management neglect around 30 thousand, year on year, decade on decade, and this form of killing, is acceptable, because it is subtle, and not an overt demonstration on one tragic death on the streets.


Anyone understand this hypocracy? When tens of thousands die unnecessarily and prematurely though government hands it OK but if one civilian kills its bad!!???


From a particular standpoint, not sensational tabloid, but a bit more grown up, maybe this this should be addressed, before martial law and mass surveillance stop any serious debate, other than the preferred knee jerk reaction of the bloodthirsty mob?

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