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Glasgow pub hit by a helicopter..

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It's got a huge area of road outside, I wonder if he had an engine failure and was trying to set it down and missed...


Most of the eyewitnesses have not said anything about any noise until the helicopter hit so could have been an engine failure I guess.


Autorotation would normally leave the pilot with enough control to land safely in the event of engine failure, but I can't imagine it would be easy to hit your intended landing spot.

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It's got a huge area of road outside, I wonder if he had an engine failure and was trying to set it down and missed...


Most of the eyewitnesses have not said anything about any noise until the helicopter hit so could have been an engine failure I guess.


It's more probable than pilot error. I'm not sure about this, but I think all military and service helicopters have a co-pilot incase of medical alerts and fatigue.


Incidently, unless hit by a missile or something, helicopters are designed to not plumet to the ground quickly and give some degree of controlled flight, otherwise known as autorotation. It's where the helocopter decends with engine failure and the air passing through the rotars keeps them turning.

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Looks like a police helicopter has come down according to the news...




Let's hope it's not too bad, they picked the worst thing bar a school to land on I think :(


6 dead at the moment thoughts to the family,at that time of night probally a school would have been better.

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the BBC reports clearly show half a helicopter poking out of the top of the pub?? 3 reported dead so far and teams working on recovery rather than rescue.


They interviewed a local politician who helped people escape the pub...the emotion he was struggling to hold back certainly wasn't fake.


My thoughts go out to those affected, such a terrible & bizarre tragedy just weeks before Christmas

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It's more probable than pilot error. I'm not sure about this, but I think all military and service helicopters have a co-pilot incase of medical alerts and fatigue.


This one didn't - it was crewed b a civilian pilot and two police officers.

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