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Converted motorist

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rubbish all they do is create yet another blind spot and you have enough of them already.when you consider you already have 3 mirrors on the nearside blocking your view you want to put something else in the passenger window further narrowing whats left?


I dont think so!


You're quite wrong, but thanks for the contribution.


In independent research by TRL, after these lenses were handed out for free at ports of entry to LHD HGVs, the number of sideswipe accidents involving continental HGVs plunged by half.


TfL made them mandatory for all RHD delivery HGVs contracted to London 2012.


Splutter all you like, those are the facts.

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TBH I worry more about super-minis than I do large vehicles. Obviously I don't go up the inside of large vehicles if they are close to the front of a queue, and when being overtaken large vehicles are generally good at actually giving space. Small cars on the other hand, some of them don't overtake so much as continue in a straight line and miss your handlebars by inches.

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Originally Posted by dawny1970


simple, tell cyclists not to go up the inside of large vehicles near junctions, not difficult really, its called hazard awareness



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


It's just as simple to tell the drivers of large vehicles not to try to over take cyclists when you are approaching a junction. Again Hazard awareness.


ahhh now I understand, sorry, didn't realise that cyclists have right of way at all junctions, sorry, missed that bit in the highway code



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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how about tye cyclist's who ignore everyone, ride on the roads with no helmet, no consideration fir other road users and wearing headphones so they have no idea whsts going on around them, and yes I have just seen this today


Confirmation bias: you dislike cyclists so you notice the bad ones.


Misbehaviour by a minority of cyclists does not justify your bigotry against the rest of us.


---------- Post added 04-12-2013 at 09:37 ----------


How many cars in total did you see? 4 out of how many hundreds or thousands possibly? 4 in 500 cars is less than 1% of the traffic.


Compare that to cyclists? Not only jumping red lights but using the pavements too? In my daily commute, I see between 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 doing something illegal.


That is a far greater percentage of cyclists doing something illegal than car drivers.


Obviously the above is not a statement of statistical evidence but rather my personal experience on a very small number of roads in the UK, so before some militant hippy riding his bike made of pure hate flames me, understand there are good cyclists out there, just as there are good drivers.


It certainly is not based on statistics, but on your prejudices and confirmation bias.


Speaking of facts, the same IAM poll "found" that 32% of drivers also admit to jumping lights, something omitted from the press release.


Other self-reported surveys make interesting, if flawed, reading. For example, one by the road safety charity Brake in March found a high proportion of drivers admitted to illegally using hand-held phones while driving. In 2009, something similar done by the insurance group Admiral found 82% of drivers "sometimes or frequently" exceed the speed limit".


So which group of self-professed lawbreakers is the more pressing concern? The one which kills around 400 pedestrians a year on average, or the one that kills perhaps one or two?



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ahhh now I understand, sorry, didn't realise that cyclists have right of way at all junctions, sorry, missed that bit in the highway code


If a cyclist is a ahead of a large vehicle approaching a junction they certainly do have right of way over that large vehicle! Should you be driving on the roads?

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ahhh now I understand, sorry, didn't realise that cyclists have right of way at all junctions, sorry, missed that bit in the highway code



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Everything in front of you has a right of way. So, the tractor or caravan in front of you has a right of way too, its just that they are too big for you to mow down in your pursuit of speed and you wouldn't dare overtake them cos your prescious metal tin box might be damaged..

Out of interest, you been driving long, or just somehow got through the driving test last week?

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ahhh now I understand, sorry, didn't realise that cyclists have right of way at all junctions, sorry, missed that bit in the highway code


I just wish motorists would remember who has right of way when a pedestrian is crossing a side road that a car is wanting to turn into.

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I just wish motorists would remember who has right of way when a pedestrian is crossing a side road that a car is wanting to turn into.


Or at least indicate they want to turn to give you a warning they might be about to run you down.

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Or at least indicate they want to turn to give you a warning they might be about to run you down.


The Junction on Glossop Road in front of the West End pub is really dangerous for this. Regularly a car coming down from Broomhill will turn left into Clarke Street without indicating.

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