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Swapped baby born to poor family instead of wealthy.

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There's no legal obligation for parents to pass on wealth to their children, so I'm not sure what you mean by "entitled".


Thanks for pointing out my poor choice of words again :D


I simply meant that usually when parents die their children inherit the wealth, if he is their child would he not be able to claim a share in that? just wondered.

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In my reply I meant to explain that parents die their children do not automatically inherit their wealth.


The answer would depend on a lot of different factors I'd think.

Firstly, it's in Japan, so I've no idea how the law is different there to here.


Here, I'm not sure if a will can be challenged after it's been fully executed. And if it can, it would depend on the exact wording of the will. It might have said (for example) "we leave our worldly possessions to be split equally amongst our children", or it might have named them... If they were named, then I doubt any challenge could be successful.

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This really shows the importance that money can make in your life. Wealthy parents sent their children to private schools and therefore receive the best start in life.


This takes me back to Boris's speech, society is not equal if you are poor despite the fact that you have the genes and potential. If you fail at the first hurdle because you live in a sink estate and go to a bad school in a bad area, what hope is there?

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In my reply I meant to explain that parents die their children do not automatically inherit their wealth.


The answer would depend on a lot of different factors I'd think.

Firstly, it's in Japan, so I've no idea how the law is different there to here.


Here, I'm not sure if a will can be challenged after it's been fully executed. And if it can, it would depend on the exact wording of the will. It might have said (for example) "we leave our worldly possessions to be split equally amongst our children", or it might have named them... If they were named, then I doubt any challenge could be successful.


Yes I see, not so simple then, poor chap must feel that he had a very raw deal.

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