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Harrasment laws

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a friend of mine is receiving harrasing text messages abusive in nature..she doesnt live in uk but lives in eu jurisdiction..the perpetrator lives in uk..who should this be reported to..she is over in the uk soon would it be possible to report it in the uk when she is over here.just need some advice for her really.:)

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She could report it to either police service. As the sender is in the UK then I think the local force would be the better bet. Their reaction will be based on what the sender is texting - the nature, how serious it is, etc and whether it contravenes any laws.

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There is no EU jurisdiction on this by the way. It would be the national police force of the EU country where your friend is. Local UK police would do the investigating. I'd go for the UK police when she's over. Tell her to save all the messages.


she has saved everything from this person..i will tell her what to do and see if uk police can pay this person a visit and caution them. x:)

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Protection from Harassment Act 1997

S.2 offence Harassment


The elements of the section 2 offence are:


a course of conduct;

which amounts to harassment of another; and

which the defendant knows, or ought to know amounts to harassment of another.


complaint to be laid within 6 months from the time when the offence was committed, or the matter of complaint arose. The 6 months' limitation should run from the last date of the course of conduct alleged.


In determining whether the defendant ought to know that the course of conduct amounts to harassment, the question to be considered is whether a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Why not report it to the police and have the phone sent over.


It doesn't matter that the phone and the owner are apart, but having the sender, the malicious messages and the phone (in police possession) all in the same country might help get things moving and get the person dealt with.

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