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NPower dual fuel - anyone having trouble with them?

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We changed over to NPower from EDEF in November 1012, to this date we haven't received a bill from NPower, we've absolutely no idea how much we owe, neither have NPower. The last time I rang them, they said they had no record of my account as it had been closed .... and anyhow they were having problems with their computer system (what, for over a year??) but I'm still receiving gas and electric off them. My direct debit continues to mount up in credit and every time a bill is due, they put the charge on and then cancel it. OK, i can say stuff it, but they'll come wanting the money sooner or later.

Its an absolute nightmare dealing with them. The latest letter from them informs me that they can't sort out my problem within the the statutory 28 days, now its 56 days and they have told me to seek third party intervention from an ombudsman.

Is anyone else having problems with this supplier?

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what a nightmare - we are with npower - we moved to them in about 2010 and changed to a fixed term deal about 2 months ago - my better half dealt with it all over the phone and says their customer service was fantastic - everything was sorted in about 3 days - they even refunded the credit balance due under the old agreement


hope you get yours sorted soon

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