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England trails in Maths & English International league table.

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The newspapers need to publish more pictures of teenage girls smiling, hugging each other and laughing as they read their exam results.


Those pictures say more about the state of education in this country than real facts ever could.


A good business opportunity for one of those girls in the future would be to start selling shoeshine kits. With the way the UK is going, they'll be needed.


(The Chinese are very fond of shiny shoes.)


I'm glad the press didn't photograph some of the young women outside our local primary the other day. 'Havin a fag' just doesn't look good when you're collecting your small children. ;)

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I couldn't agree more.


Trying to motivate some kids is like pushing a steamroller uphill. Teachers bend over backwards trying to make lessons interesting and relevant but if the kids don't want to learn, they won't.


What's you experience of teaching Anna? Genuine question..

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