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Statistics! Statistics! Is there actually a problem, if so where?

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Statistics! Does anyone care, Is it important, something else to ignore?


In January 2013, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Home Office released its first ever joint Official Statistics bulletin on sexual violence, entitled An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales.


It reported that:

• Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year

• Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year

• 1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.


Around 1.2 million women suffered domestic abuse


Around 9,000 male rape victims per year




Hundreds of cases of rape reported to the police were struck from the tally of sex offences last year because police classified them as "no-crimes" Commons committee is told as MPs hear of attempts to massage crime figures to improve 'performance' figures: lives have been lost, says former officer http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/19/police-failures-rape-child-abuse-official-statistics


In 2012 around 1.2 million women suffered domestic abuse and thousands more were stalked. These crimes are often hidden away behind closed doors, with the victim suffering in silence. Fewer than 1 in 4 people who suffer abuse at the hands of their partner - and only around 1 in 10 women who experience serious sexual assault - report it to the police.



Nearly 12 per cent of recorded rapes in 2010/11 were reclassified to suggest that no offence had been committed



Violence against women 'endemic"? or just normal Male attitudes and expected behaviors?? "Violence against women is a way of controlling women's behaviour and women's sexuality," Channel 4 News.


"There is an acceptance, or tolerance, of violence against women, that is so deeply embedded in our culture. Rape is more disapproved of because it affects the honour of the family, rather than the human rights of the woman.


Attitudes towards women who are raped and the focus on the behaviour of women, is always the main focus of attention, rather than the men who carry out the crimes, in the UK. A third of respondents to an Amnesty International survey believed that women who flirt are partially responsible for being raped.


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As an older male, I have spoken often against violence to women.

Yes, there is a subculture in which it is held to be normal.

Sooner we root out that culture the better, and no excuses like "It's our religion". "It's the tradition of our people" and so on should be accepted.


I was pretty scared when I had to stand up to a big bikie and tell him to stop hitting his wife -- to my surprise, it worked!

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Its not just violence to women as it is not women who raped the 9000 men is it?


For some men raping women is obviously not enough, and 9000 men is 24.5 men raped a day that reported the crime. One has to assume not all men will have reported it, as it makes them easily ridiculed, thus maybe they were the ones that had a bit of GBH as an extra, and could not escape the doctors need to inform the police. But that is speculation as I assume males would fight better than women as they are stronger.

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Sometimes not commenting screams louder than the usual heckling.


Or a sign that you've ended up on more people's ignore lists for writing unintelligible walls of text. Or for constantly winge-ing about everything and never coming up with a solution. Or for never answering anyone's questions about your material.

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I just put out the message, I do not care what anyone thinks, as I do not intend to know anyone, but feel people should know a bit more than the compliant corporate controlled narrow media allows us to know.


Was Iraq about grabbing oil? Is Afghanistan about resources as it the scramble for Africa happening right now? Its not just simplistic he is a bad guy we are the good guys. Just look at the democracies in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, we have created, and how the process is going great in Syria, where simplistic explanations hide a deeper more corporate involvement driving this simplistic


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I do not care what anyone thinks, as I do not intend to know anyone


Don't worry, the feeling is mutual.


There are several users of this site that are quite capable of holding a structured discussion with people, making their points clearly and concisely, who engage other users to further common knowledge. These people are happy to discuss their thoughts, and while their language may be robust, will concede points when they are discussed and deemed incorrect.


Then there are a couple of users who continuously rant on about their pet subjects, interrupting otherwise valid threads with their nonsense, and which it is impossible to have any sort of discussion with or try to come up with solutions to their issues because apparently everything's s*** and cant be fixed.


You fit into one of these groups.

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I just put out the message, I do not care what anyone thinks, as I do not intend to know anyone, but feel people should know a bit more than the compliant corporate controlled narrow media allows us to know.


Was Iraq about grabbing oil? Is Afghanistan about resources as it the scramble for Africa happening right now? Its not just simplistic he is a bad guy we are the good guys. Just look at the democracies in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, we have created, and how the process is going great in Syria, where simplistic explanations hide a deeper more corporate involvement driving this simplistic



Like wow - your OP was about rape and now you're on a totally different subject.


Do you understand what is meant by a discussion?

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How many posts have addressed the point, men raping men, women and possibly others, taken the subject seriously, offered new insights, or explanations. Did you think of the subject, did it make an impression, is the scale of the problem out of control? It seems it was too much to focus on and the point I was making that you failed to realise, is that serious subjects appear by most people to be feared to discuss ina grown up manner.


People have to distract, distort, turn it personal in a childish selfish way, almost caught is some personal psychological condition that they might be excluded by the grown ups and have to attempt to be notice at all costs. Its what children do as they know no better.

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