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Fave sweets and grub


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Originally posted by Killian

yes, i remember spanish gold, used to eat it all the time as a kid, and also that orrible chewing wood which tasted of....... not quite sure what it tasted of. can't remember Rondellos though. what about rainbow sherbet and Jubblys? loved those.


Ah, I remember Spanish Gold well. It was fabulous stuff. The chewing wood is natural liqourice root, I've chewed through a few of those sticks in my time. I remember Jubbly's or were they called Jubilee's - like frozen orange juice in funny triangular-shaped waxed-cardboard packets.


Rainbow crystals, weren't they, not sherbet?


I don't rememer Rondellos at all.


Can anyone remember Bazooka bubblygum with the Bazooka Joe comic-strip inside the packet and Beech Nut chewing gum?

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can you remember lucky bags?swizzels,black jacks,fruit salads,palma violets(THEY WERE AWFUL),palma violets I mean.Cherry lips,and razzle dazzle choc buttons with hundreds and thousands on top.?Taggys ice cream was the best.We use to go to the van on Sunday afternoons with a pyrex bowl to have it filled with the icecream.Sheffield fishcakes are the best!,and Hendersons relish.

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Now you mention Sheffield fishcakes!! Cant beat'em. One thing you cant get in worcestershire is Sheffield fishcakes. Do you know a few years ago our local chippy changed hands and it turned out it was a couple who used to run the chippy on John st, (by SUFC for you none blades fans). So I begged them to make proper fishcakes..do you think they would? No they said it would take too long and they wouldn't sell. And by the way just because I live in worcestershire now doesnt mean I use Worcester sauce. I still have a bottle of Hendersons relish in my cupboard and I never ever ever have fishcakes from the chippy unless I visit my brother in Handsworth.

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Talking about Beechnut ! can anyone remember the machines that were one penny for a packet of beechnut but if the arrow on the handle pointed towards you,yuo got two packets? We used to sit outside sweet shops waiting for people to use the machine until we got two. Usually we had got our money by taking a tizer,or jusoda bottle back or running errands .I often wondered who got the full biscuits when I only got broken ones! Did anybody else have sugar sanwiches Bread and butter sprinkled with sugar or if we were lucky treacle sarnies I would die if I had to eat one now!

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Originally posted by coddy

Now you mention Sheffield fishcakes!! Cant beat'em.


Don't make me jealous. Used to love a fish n' a cake. Why bother with the chips! Can you still get a proper fish cake? I've been away from Sheff for 20 years now. Could just eat one right this minute. The mushy peas were good too. Can't get them where I live now (Scotland), I have to make do with the tinned stuff.

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Originally posted by superCol

Can you still get a proper fish cake? I've been away from Sheff for 20 years now.


Most, good Sheffield chippies still sell proper fishcakes however there availability elsewhere is virtually non-existant. They used to sell them on the East Coast but I haven't been able to find one for years now.


BTW, cake butty - now that is food for the gods.

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