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Fave sweets and grub


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I remember if we were on holiday and went to the chippy that if we asked for fish cakes our parents would tell us that everyone else's version of a fish cake was a rissole.

Tell you one thing though, whenever I'm up near the grounds of the former magnet and the chippy's open, that smell just shouts 'sea-side'. As does the smell of candy floss.


Remember the side-stalls at the fairs and the smell of all those tempting snacks - hot dogs today aren't a patch on what they used to be don't you think?

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Spanish Gold - red waxed packet, gold galleon - yep remember it well.

Can anyone remember Mint Cracknel, Hobos, Spangles (everyone wanted the pale brown caramel), Bazooka Joes (never did save enough wrappers for the X-ray specs), Pacers, Aztec bars, cabanas, Lord Toffingham Ice cream lollies, bar six, Beechnut.

Why don't sweets taste as good today!

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Can anyone remember "The Joystick" a frozen triagular lolly in a waxed paper tube..they used to be sold in Concord Park, and other parks..from the kiosks in the summer months...also things I remember like a Pink wax type bubble gum that didn't make bubbles..Spanish Root..Lutus pods..Liquourice Root, Aniseed balls,

Cinnamon sticks (Some lads used to smoke these) and sometimes we'd go to the Co-op and buy an ounce of Barm and eat that..and what about condensed milk sarn'ies?.

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How about Mint Cracknel? No-one seems to remember that one. Came in a green packet with dark brown cardboard inside and you got two bars like a bounty. It was kinda light brown crunchy mint flavoured stuff in the middle covered in chocolate.


I also loved Galaxy counters which were the Galaxy equivalent of buttons. They came in a white packet with a girraffe on it and the counters looked like stepping stones.


And before I go .............. just *what* flavour were the green and blue spangles in the mixed packets? They tasted awfull and I don't know anyone who ate them!!!

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I used to be quite partial to a Ruffle bar......sort of like a bounty but with dark chocolate and pink coconut inside.



Flying saucers filled with sherbet were also very nice. A mate of mine always went for those little pink sea creatures.....they were horrible!

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I remember sweet tobacco although I couldn't remember it's name. It did taste brilliant. It's not a PC product now as it could encourage kids to try something harder! Hence candy sticks rather than sweet cigarettes..they've even stopped putting a red tip on them in case they look too realistic!

Black Jacks, Fruit Salad, Swizzles can still be bought if you look around for them.

Always thought that Lucky Bags were a blatant rip-off though. Lucky for the manufacturer who got so much money for so little content!

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