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Fave sweets and grub


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Don't remember much about childhood sweets, except for the boiled sweets in the shape of a fish my Dad got in the market and some really big humbugs, ...one of those would keep any kid quiet for at least ten minutes. But sweets were strictly rationed then and a home-made cocoa/sugar dip was a rare treat.


Bread and dripping with marmite was a favourite and home-made rice pudding with currants and raisins or sultanas in it.


Does anyone remember Sasparella (sp?). MY Grandad used to take me into the herbalist shop near the Abbedale cinema and buy me a half-pint of draught Sasparella or hot blackcurrant and a stick of proper root liquorice.


I remember we used to buy a breadcake, make a hole in the side, scoop out the bread, then stuff it with Walkers crisps !

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At last! somebody else who remembers Mint Cracknel.. it was like shards of green glass in dark chocolate.. class.


And Spanish Gold too!!! We used to think we were men for buying sweet chewing tobbacco LOL

AND what about sweet cigarettes! They wouldn't have those now would they?


Also used to like (don't know if they've been mentioned)...

Texan Bars (that used to remove teeth with one tug)


Aztec Bars


Amazin Raizin Bar


Nutty Bars (hours of fun when thrown into the Sheaf Valley baths during school swimming lessons - "everybody out!" while they remove the floater LOL)


Cinder Toffee (like a huge deformed Crunchie)

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Anyone remember Jungle Juice pop?


Does the Alpine lorry still do the rounds with the luminous, E-number riddled bottles of pop? American Soda and Dandelion & Burdock and Root Beer.

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During the 50s we moved to Lowedges and in the school holidays used to walk down the main road towards Dronfield. I remember the swings behind the Nags Head pub(now the Bowshaw)and just beyond there at the junction near I think it's the Coach and Horses is a railway bridge where we used to watch the Flying Scotsman go past. Across the road was a sweet shop (It could have been a pre-fabricated building).where we used to buy black jacks, fruit salads,Mcgowans highland toffee bars with a picture of a cow on the wrapper,and penny arrow bars( I hated the banana flavour)...happy days!

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I remember the herbalist near the Abbeydale cinema ,after the pictures we used to go in there for a pint of sasparella which we thought was like having a pint of beer,then we'd walk towards London rd where there was a chippy that sold little oval meat pies caked in relish with mushy peas.

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[ I also used to buy some stuff called choc dip - which was like really well crushed up smarties, and something else called toffee crumble.


The shop (Crappers) used to sell the stuff by weight and you didn't have to buy by the quarter, so you could pop in on the way to school and get a 10p bag of the stuff.


Fantastic. Wonder if they still do it? [/b]


You can still get it, we used to sell it in our shop in Grimsby, the toffee crumble wasn't quite so popular. It used to make a helluva mess weighing it out though.

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