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Woman commits suicide when Benefits stop.

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Out of interest if you answer in the affirmative do they ask any follow up questions like, how long does it take you to watch an episode of Corrie? For if they don't then they are making some whopping, baseless assumptions.




As if. :roll:


---------- Post added 04-12-2013 at 16:51 ----------


When will this madness end? Have a look at the following article and comments. It's disgusting.


But where does it mention anything re. The play station?


---------- Post added 04-12-2013 at 16:54 ----------


to be honest, these tricks work there are a lot of people who have been swinging the leg and so atos probably need to be creative otherwise everyone will walk through the door and give their sob story and nothing will change.


I think you mean 'Swinging the Lead'


---------- Post added 04-12-2013 at 16:59 ----------


stupid bigotry which pleases some people on here (yet tax avoiding mps/millionaires are looked after) but hey it keeps you happy :roll:


Take a look at the comments at the end of the article re. what the MPs and their families pocket from expenses and the £300 per day members of the House of Lords receive, just for showing up to write their name in the attendance book.

It's a disgrace.

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yes this country is a joke if your actually from this country and your parents and gran parents are then you get the 2fingers,

but hay, through open the doors to tom dick and harry and any body else and we,ll take care of you and who ever you have left back at home,

when i win the lotto i,m out of this hole

and no i.m not racist just getting sick and tired of these storys,

you look after the people who already live and paid taxes here before looking after the world but we cant even do that right

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Pretty poor article full of ill-founded assumptions I'm afraid. Lets begin with the reason for suicide, this might have been the trigger, but it is clear there must have been other factors, like the fact she lost her husband six years before.


Then there is the claim she was only asked one question, not sure why people believe that, I find it pretty unbelievable.

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was it just her disability payments that stopped, or her unemployment benefits?


You can't ask that. It will force a discussion that the OP won't like.


Next you'll be asking why the title says 'woman kills herself after benefits stop', when the assessment was last year, and it says her benefit (assume ALL benefits from the news article's headline) was stopped in January. Or asking why she did it when she had her tribunal in 2 weeks.


The comment from the sister says that 'if she was a druggy or alco, she would have been given a sick note', what from atos?


There isn't enough information in the newspaper story, to write 'another victim' unless the OP writes what his agenda was (which is most probably a dig at the government).

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You can't ask that. It will force a discussion that the OP won't like.


Next you'll be asking why the title says 'woman kills herself after benefits stop', when the assessment was last year, and it says her benefit (assume ALL benefits from the news article's headline) was stopped in January. Or asking why she did it when she had her tribunal in 2 weeks.


The comment from the sister says that 'if she was a druggy or alco, she would have been given a sick note', what from atos?


There isn't enough information in the newspaper story, to write 'another victim' unless the OP writes what his agenda was (which is most probably a dig at the government).


I'm at a loss why you display this opinion, the poor woman has killed herself as she was judged "fit to work". This resulted in her benefits stopping so she would be at an all time low, it amazes me how many people on here know so much about ATOS and how they work.


I do, trust me they are probably one of the most incompetent sets you could come across, if you're going to knock them at least have 1st hand knowledge of how they work.


Not all the assessors it must be said are bad, but seems some are, she could have requested (demanded) a home visit saying she couldn't get there. It is a shame but it's happened and it won't be the last, while ever we have such a heartless government in power who, tell ATOS how to operate.

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I'm at a loss why you display this opinion, the poor woman has killed herself as she was judged "fit to work". This resulted in her benefits stopping so she would be at an all time low, it amazes me how many people on here know so much about ATOS and how they work.


I do, trust me they are probably one of the most incompetent sets you could come across, if you're going to knock them at least have 1st hand knowledge of how they work.


Not all the assessors it must be said are bad, but seems some are, she could have requested (demanded) a home visit saying she couldn't get there. It is a shame but it's happened and it won't be the last, while ever we have such a heartless government in power who, tell ATOS how to operate.

But isn't that the valid point Pete?


Without knowing exactly what information she had previously given them it's obviously impossible to judge, but if she had travelled there (alone?) by bus when she had previously told them she was incapable, then she had proved herself to be lying?

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But isn't that the valid point Pete?


Without knowing exactly what information she had previously given them it's obviously impossible to judge, but if she had travelled there (alone?) by bus when she had previously told them she was incapable, then she had proved herself to be lying?


Hi Mr Bloke that's what I was eluding too but not so many words, she possibly may have tripped herself up, no sorry she did herself no favours going through the pain barrier to get there.


Trust me the assessors will try to do anything to catch people out, let me give you an example if a man goes with one arm, and says he cannot carry heavy boxes.


Their retort will be that he could, pull the box towards his midriff and pick it up with his one good arm and carry it. If you can raise your arm above your head, your fit for work.

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