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Woman commits suicide when Benefits stop.

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Was just about to type something very similar.


I feel sorry for the lady and her family but I would suggest she had underlying mental illness issues and did not just kill herself due to the benefits re-form.


The quote from her sister:


"She just wanted her benefit so she could have avoided the pressure of work – it wasn't a massive amount of money"


The above won't get much sympathy from most in my opinion as I am sure most have us have felt like this or currently do feel like this.


She may have had underlying mental health problems, they are very common.


About 10 years ago I had a breakdown, and needed a few months off work. I was very lucky that my employers were enlightened and I was signed off on full sick pay, and when I returned to work I was phased in gradually.

For those few months I wasn't able to function, even paying bills and cooking was too much. The decision to cut this lady's benefits may have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

The lady in question may have been chronically depressed & needed extra support. Mental health services are under huge pressure, and getting to see a CPN or mental health social worker is difficult.

Yes many do have depression, and for some it is manageable with medication and self help strategies. But some poor folk have severe depression and it can be a chronic condition that renders some unable to work.


These instances of benefits being cut and people commiting suicide are happening frequently - so much so that managers of DWP have been officially instructed to be sensitive when breaking the news to the unlucky clients.



I frequently hear people pay lip service, agreeing that mental health conditions should be treated as seriously as physical conditions; but I wonder whether it's because people can't 'see' mental illness, like they can with a physical ailment that they think "oh they are just making it up".

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by Charmer


If you have first hand knowledge then presumably you have been sent back to work by them? I can understand therefore your bias opinion. You were used to getting stuff for free and they have stopped you getting it. It would annoy me too.


Being as I was the one who wrote they had 1st hand knowledge of how they work, I take it this utterly pathetic dig is aimed at me. Right sunshine I let it slide the other week when you called me a racist this no such luck.


For your information my 1st hand knowledge comes form working for the DWP for 16 bloody years, one of my jobs was an ESA appeals decision maker.


My job made me too ill and I had to do something else, but after 9 months on the sick out of 12 with serious health issues I had to medically retire.


This was after paying into the system for 40 years, so I'm entitled to what I get, and maybe one day you'll get what you're entitled to.


You come on here spouting about peace & cobblers, yet you are the most twisted, biased individual it's ever been my sad case to come across.


ATOS never found me fit for work, it was ATOS that recommended I medically retire, and for your information you smarmy piece of gutter rubbish I'm terminally ill.


So I sit at home wondering how long I have left, I am being kept going by medication only, so when condescending prats like you come on here trying to be smart & sanctimonious trying to score points, don't try it with me.


So next time you jump to ill informed conclusions, don't do it with me otherwise you'll know about it I've never reported anyone for anything like this but getting you kicked off this forum would make my life pleasurable.


I apologise to other forum members for losing my rag, but this person is just odious and needs telling.

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No one wants the genuine to lose benefits BUT there are far far too many who have had a free ride at the taxpayers expense,I wonder how some people would go on if say like Jamaica or the third world and there was NO Benefits,of course we know they would manage by working or some other means,so stop moaning about our generous welfare state and thank your lucky stars you live in this country.

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I hope Pete's post is allowed to remain unedited by the mods as an example to others to not jump to the wrong conclusions so easily! :(


Cheers Mr Bloke, I'm afraid I got myself too worked up there and have had to take my spray as really upset me, that idiots like this are allowed to post such spurious accusations.

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I think you mean 'Swinging the Lead'


wow thanks for the correction, I never knew that. I suppose its like the term "Donkeys Years" which should be "Donkeys Ears" as they are long and "Have your cake and eat it" that should be "Eat your cake and have it" meaning to have two things at once. The latter correction I also learnt on SF :)


---------- Post added 04-12-2013 at 19:21 ----------


You can't ask that. It will force a discussion that the OP won't like.


Next you'll be asking why the title says 'woman kills herself after benefits stop', when the assessment was last year, and it says her benefit (assume ALL benefits from the news article's headline) was stopped in January. Or asking why she did it when she had her tribunal in 2 weeks.


The comment from the sister says that 'if she was a druggy or alco, she would have been given a sick note', what from atos?


There isn't enough information in the newspaper story, to write 'another victim' unless the OP writes what his agenda was (which is most probably a dig at the government).


I totally agree. Setting aside the human tragedy, it is easy to blame an impersonal government organisation rather than deal with possibly the real reasons why this woman chose to commit suicide. There may well also be some guilt on the families side for not supporting her enough to get her though this tough time. However the people who are taking this news report on face value are probably the same people who will disregard anything the Telegraph or Mail report "because its biased".


The causes of her suicide may well have been the judgement but at this moment in time we do not have enough information to cast aspersions on anyone.

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this is truly disgracefull , i am able bodied and i am gratefull , i would not like to think that people who are ill and genuinely in need of help are being treat this way , SHAME ON THIS GOVERMENT , i would personally like to take a baseball bat to there knee caps and see how they cope :confused:

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From today's DM:


Age Concern are reported to be extremely concerned that new government guidelines will mean that millions of elderly people will be denied vital care.


Older patients, too frail to get out of bed on their own, might not be allowed home help on the state because they are not deemed dependent enough. It is expectedl the state would only pay for care for the elderly and disabled with critical or substantial need. Those with moderate needs would have to pay themselves.


Age UK says it is deeply worried the government will set the bar too high and many older people would be shut out of the system, unable to access the help they need.


Tory Care and Support minister, Norman Lamb, defended the changes, saying 'We want to create a fairer society.'


I think this tells you all you need to know about how this government thinks....

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