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Woman commits suicide when Benefits stop.

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by Charmer


If you have first hand knowledge then presumably you have been sent back to work by them? I can understand therefore your bias opinion. You were used to getting stuff for free and they have stopped you getting it. It would annoy me too.


Being as I was the one who wrote they had 1st hand knowledge of how they work, I take it this utterly pathetic dig is aimed at me. Right sunshine I let it slide the other week when you called me a racist this no such luck.


For your information my 1st hand knowledge comes form working for the DWP for 16 bloody years, one of my jobs was an ESA appeals decision maker.


My job made me too ill and I had to do something else, but after 9 months on the sick out of 12 with serious health issues I had to medically retire.


This was after paying into the system for 40 years, so I'm entitled to what I get, and maybe one day you'll get what you're entitled to.


You come on here spouting about peace & cobblers, yet you are the most twisted, biased individual it's ever been my sad case to come across.


ATOS never found me fit for work, it was ATOS that recommended I medically retire, and for your information you smarmy piece of gutter rubbish I'm terminally ill.


So I sit at home wondering how long I have left, I am being kept going by medication only, so when condescending prats like you come on here trying to be smart & sanctimonious trying to score points, don't try it with me.


So next time you jump to ill informed conclusions, don't do it with me otherwise you'll know about it I've never reported anyone for anything like this but getting you kicked off this forum would make my life pleasurable.


I apologise to other forum members for losing my rag, but this person is just odious and needs telling.



You said a racist thing, you used a Jewish slur (Shylock) to infer negative stereotypical Jewish traits (mean with money, after their pound of flesh). You used the slur in exactly the right context, showing that you understood the term, to be considered racist. You did not "let it slide", you defended your use or the disgusting term and then sent me a pathetic pm saying "oh my mums a jew, so I can call people a shylock".


Just because people say racist things does not make them a racist (judge a man by his actions and all that). You are changing the subject.


It wasn't supposed to be a dig, stop taking things so personally. I don't know you and you don't know me. I make no attempt to judge your character.


I made a reasonable assumption and I was wrong and I apologise. I also extend my sincerest empathy to you in this difficult time.


When commenting I didn't even realise you were the same poster who used a racial slur a few weeks ago. However, I would like to thank you for not racially abusing anyone in your contributions to this thread

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You said a racist thing, you used a Jewish slur (Shylock) to infer negative stereotypical Jewish traits (mean with money, after their pound of flesh). You used the slur in exactly the right context, showing that you understood the term, to be considered racist. You did not "let it slide", you defended your use or the disgusting term and then sent me a pathetic pm saying "oh my mums a jew, so I can call people a shylock".


Just because people say racist things does not make them a racist (judge a man by his actions and all that). You are changing the subject.


It wasn't supposed to be a dig, stop taking things so personally. I don't know you and you don't know me. I make no attempt to judge your character.


I made a reasonable assumption and I was wrong and I apologise. I also extend my sincerest empathy to you in this difficult time.


When commenting I didn't even realise you were the same poster who used a racial slur a few weeks ago. However, I would like to thank you for not racially abusing anyone in your contributions to this thread


That's okay just lets let it go, just don't go jumping to wrong conclusions that's twice you've done it, this is my last word goodnight all. Just for the record I've never racially abused anyone on this forum.

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I doubt this very much. The whole article is hardly objective is it?


One would assume that the poor lady had chronic underlying problems that contributed hugely to her decision to take her own life.


"She just wanted her benefit so she could have avoided the pressure of work – it wasn't a massive amount of money"


This is what her sister said, how many of us would like to avoid the pressure of work?


"She was gregarious and loved dogs, and music and to boogie as much as her back would allow. She was an intelligent girl"


Again from her sister. So she could boogie, in fact her sister had seen her do it so much that she knew she loved to do so. If you are physically well enough to boogie, it is my opinion that you are physically well enough to work. An opinion shared by medical evidence and upheld at review.


It is sad that someone killed themselves, but they were a victim of no one but their poor mental state. This is not a dig at her, mental health is a serious issue, someone close to me killed themselves due to mental health. However, with no evidence, aside from a heavily bias article from a local rag, you lot seem to think you understand the reasons behind this persons death.


If you have first hand knowledge then presumably you have been sent back to work by them? I can understand therefore your bias opinion. You were used to getting stuff for free and they have stopped you getting it. It would annoy me too.




Why do people still try to defend the indefensible?

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I think there are a lot of people that have been out of work for so long that they have absolutely no confidence and fear having to go to work so much that suicide could seem a preferable option. I think that is a far bigger problem than there being millions of people literally incapable of doing any kind of work.

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Why do people still try to defend the indefensible?




Apart from the last two lines I stand by everything in that post.


The woman liked to dance, if she could dance, it is likely she could work. This was the decision reached by two different experts on two different occassions.


However, after reading some tat from a local rag, I am sure your judgement is more reliable than theirs.

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No one wants the genuine to lose benefits BUT there are far far too many who have had a free ride at the taxpayers expense,I wonder how some people would go on if say like Jamaica or the third world and there was NO Benefits,of course we know they would manage by working or some other means,so stop moaning about our generous welfare state and thank your lucky stars you live in this country.


Yes there are some that do take the Mick, but they are in a minority


The following link for example shows that benefit fraud in small in comparison to the amount of benefits that go unclaimed, and even smaller in comparison to tax evasion.


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Apart from the last two lines I stand by everything in that post.


The woman liked to dance, if she could dance, it is likely she could work. This was the decision reached by two different experts on two different occassions.


However, after reading some tat from a local rag, I am sure your judgement is more reliable than theirs.


Have you not been reading the many, many accounts of the innept, incompetent, target hungry, non qualified business that is ATOS?

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There was a time when people used to be driven to dispair by the thought of going on the dole.


Now people are driven to dispair by the though of losing benefits and getting a job :D



Yep,that's so true,and the sooner this way of life is stopped the better.:)

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