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You know you're skint when..

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Your kids have a pretend friend who's birthday it is. Leo was going to go to the pretend bowling alley but they didn't have enough money this week so they had his birthday at home instead.


Kids know how to make you feel bad don't they. :(

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That must have felt terrible. On the plus side, sounds like you have great kids - creative, imaginative and empathetic. Assuming this is about you.


Yeah it was about me. I was gutted to be honest but now I'm smiling about em. Don't really know what I expected posting it on the forum. :hihi:

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Your kids have a pretend friend who's birthday it is. Leo was going to go to the pretend bowling alley but they didn't have enough money this week so they had his birthday at home instead.


Kids know how to make you feel bad don't they. :(


No they don't bud, if anything they make you feel better, as this kind of thing demonstrates how much they love you and understand.



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Hi Liam


I think you are looking at it wrongly. It shows that your children are mature enough to understand the world. As others have said, it shows that they are creative and happy. This is testament to some pretty good parenting.


I was one of these children. I grow up very poor and was aware of the fact from a very early age. I understood that Santa wasn't going to bring as much to me as he would to the other boys and girls. My first visit to the cinema was when I was 12, it was my birthday present and I got to take a friend, I was so happy!


As a result I am extremely grateful for the things I have in my life now (I earn roughly the UK average wage). I smile ruefully when friends complain about not being able to afford certain luxuries. Your children will grow up balanced, happy and appreciative of things in life.

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I guess you are all right. At the time I just saw it as, they hear it so often that they are even integrating in their play.
It's not a bad thing, mate. I agree with the others, shows they have an idea about what life is all about early. No nasty surprises in store for them when they grow up. :)
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