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Tree Surgeon recommendations

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We have an old oak tree in the back garden which unfortunately has to go as it is too close to our and the neighbours house and have got planning permission for the same. Can any one recommend a reasonably priced tree surgeon for the job?

Also does any one know if you can use the oak wood in any way or sell it to a saw mill or something as it is a fine tree and seems a shame to see it just turn into mulch.

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It's a great pity you're having to cut the tree down :( Maybe you could arrange for some of the wood to be made into a beautiful bench for your garden.


That would be a great idea.


I wonder if any local carpenters would be interested in creating something unique for your garden to replace the tree??

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Thanks guys,

Yes, it is a shame to see the tree go, but its roots are damaging the boundry wall and neigbours drain system. Yep bench definately seems a great idea. Just remembered i know some one who is a talented wood artist and had done a fine job at the endcliffe park festival. He might be able to put the wood to good use!

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