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Girls!! Would you go out with a guy who didn't have a car?

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Who said the only definition of success was to own a car? That would be you. Your mind seems very limited.


Successful people have the ability to buy things. So they own nice houses, nice cars, nice clothes. They take nice holidays and eat in nice restaurants.


If you go to a nice restaurant you see the nice cars of the successful people parked outside.


I drove through Dore this morning and I don't think I passed too many of the successful people's houses that didn't have at least 2 cars parked outside.


Do you consider yourself successful? If so do you own a car? If so why?


---------- Post added 09-12-2013 at 10:10 ----------



This may be true but the first thing a footballer does when he hits the big time is to buy a big set of wheels and a new Rolex.


Maybe true..but behind a lot of houses in Dore and new cars and restaurants bills there is a mountain of credit cards, loans and hire purchase agreements.


Display of wealth does not always equal money in the bank, and neither does a high paid job.


Better to judge success on someone's ability to maintain relationships and be happy in their life.


In answer to OP, would I date someone without a car, yes, we can go in my car :)

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Judging by the directors who park their Jaguars in the numbered parking spaces at work and those that chain their bikes to the fence I would say yes.
Would any of these Jaguars happen to be company cars, perchance? i.e. not actually owned by the directors? ;)


The point has been belaboured aplenty on this thread already: a sign of wealth is no proof of actual wealth, and multiplying the signs does not prove it any further.


You've got easy access to personal/business/commercial credit facilities to thank for that one. Girls who fall for, or worse, actively "target", the signs...well, LOL, really.


I recently became a company director, so I treated myself to a new car. 8 years old and worth £2,600. It's mine, not the company's.


I could knock around in a '63 Porker if I so chose (God knows my bankers have been after burying me under credit agreements for years and years :hihi:). I'm just not interested in portraying wealth or success to others: to gain what?


An old saying of my Dad has followed me my whole (on average, fairly successful ;)) life: to live happy, hide. It's a little ditty seemingly followed by very many (very-) wealthy people I know, whom you'd never give a second look if you glanced them in the street.

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Loser. Loser Loser.


I don't know you and probably don't want to. The other folk I know who don't drive who could afford to aren't old enough otherwise they would.


You are simply making a statement that you are some weirdo like the ones who won't have a TV or a phone. Yes you can live like that but why would you want to? You can live without central heating, double glazing a passport or man made fibres. But if you can afford not to you just brand yourself as a prat.


What are you.. Amish?


You really are demonstrating how limited your imagination is aren't you. Why do you feel the need to attack my choice not to have a car? Most other people who like owning cars say something like "Ooh, I could never do without my car" when they find out someone chooses not to have one - they might not understand that choice but they accept it. It seems you find someone not wanting to own a car a challenge to the ideas you base your self esteem on. Is your life really so empty of any real meaning that apparent signs of wealth that, as others have pointed out, may just be signs of credit, are how you judge yourself and others? Seems rather sad to me.

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If someone really is a tree hugger they won't expect lifts from other people. They'll do something far worse than that - they'll suggest not using the car. For someone who's built their sense of self worth and position in society around what cars they and others drive that's a far scarier proposition.






tree huggers are the 1st to demand lifts especially it the start and end points of the journey are not accessable by one bus ride


plus they don't contribute towards the petrol


would you want to date a man like this?

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Does this comment have any relevance to your assertion that all possessions are jointly owned in a marriage, and that being contradicted by Manlinose?


Does this comment have any relevance other than your need to make a post every 5 minutes so folk know you are alive.

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tree huggers are the 1st to demand lifts especially it the start and end points of the journey are not accessable by one bus ride


plus they don't contribute towards the petrol


would you want to date a man like this?


Cyclone's right. A real tree hugger would think nothing of catching multiple buses or even walking half a mile to catch one.

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