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Girls!! Would you go out with a guy who didn't have a car?

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Doesn't that rather justify what the OP was saying. If you drive yourself and go out with a guy who can't drive you wind up stuck with a halibut and get stuck with ferrying him around for the rest of your life.


Not owning a car doesn't mean you can't drive though...

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Don't be silly, you can get a train to Grindleford. Why would he want to take 3 buses? :huh:



How do you get to the station. By car? And going to Grindleford by train has just stuck another mile on that hike to the pub.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 13:16 ----------


Not owning a car doesn't mean you can't drive though...


But not being able to drive does.

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Wow that's a tough one.

I think it goes something like this. You get invited out for a meal at the Barrel at Bretton. Your wife has a car and thinks I'll go along in that on my own and my husband who doesn't drive can take 3 buses until he reaches Grindleford and then hike the last 5 miles across the moors.

Driving someone somewhere occasionally is hardly the impression given by "get stuck with ferrying him around for the rest of your life".


I do believe the idea of owning a car is so you can go places in it not leave it parked outside to prevent bird muck from landing on the drive.
Not everyone makes the choice to use their car for every journey they possibly can.


The fact that only one partner can drive certainly sorts out those debates about whose turn it is to drive.


See here.

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but if the wife is driving there anyway, why wouldn't she take the husband with her


alternatively the husband might think - stuff that palaver, there's plenty of places i can go for a meal and a drink that i can get to much more easily


So as the only driver the wife gets stuck with the driving every time. I suppose you don't have to go to all the trouble of going out to Bretton providing you can persuade your mate not to have his birthday meal there.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 13:22 ----------





See here.


Would you insure each boyfriend/girlfriend to drive your car?:loopy:

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So as the only driver the wife gets stuck with the driving every time.


I have a friend who drives but doesn't drink, her partner drives but does drink so she ends up driving every time they go out on such occasions. By your reasoning she should leave him.

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How do you get to the station. By car? And going to Grindleford by train has just stuck another mile on that hike to the pub.




How would you get to the station? You are not exactly stuck for choice :D


Here's a novel idea, why not get a taxi from either Sheffield to said place, or taxi from Grindleford station to said place. Or alternatively, your wife picks you up. Not rocket science, hey?!

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How would you get to the station? You are not exactly stuck for choice :D


Here's a novel idea, why not get a taxi from either Sheffield to said place, or taxi from Grindleford station to said place. Or alternatively, your wife picks you up. Not rocket science, hey?!


Well as the chances of getting a taxi to Bretton and back for less than about £80 is pretty remote and getting a taxi out there any evening is zero I'd take the car. Not exactly rocket science, hey?


It all boils down to whether you want to spend your days roaming the country on public transport or being a taxi driver for someone else. I'm not sure that I would but it seems you are.


---------- Post added 12-12-2013 at 13:37 ----------


Well yes, but that's not the title of the thread is it.


Would you insure each boyfriend/girlfriend to drive your car?

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