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Girls!! Would you go out with a guy who didn't have a car?

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So as the only driver the wife gets stuck with the driving every time.


but in your hypothetical situation the wife was driving anyway so where's the hardship - if he's anything like a halfway decent husband he might even offer to contribute to the petrol cost


if you are already going somewhere and you know someone else is going but is struggling to get there wouldn't you offer to take them?


he could also hire a car for the evening if he was that desperate to get there and all his family and friends were too selfish to help him - cost of approx £25 plus petrol

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Would you insure each boyfriend/girlfriend to drive your car?


How long term are you hoping they'll be? Wouldn't it be worth driving someone occasionally whilst you are deciding whether you want them as a long term partner? It seems a shame to miss out on a potential soul mate just because they don't happen to have a car at the moment you meet them.

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