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Girls!! Would you go out with a guy who didn't have a car?

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About as shallow as refusing a date from someone who dressed like a tramp, couldn't afford to take you out, didn't use soap or slept rough on the streets. I suppose everyone assesses a potential partner to decide whether they measure up to expectations. As far as I know every species of mammal or bird on the planet does this.


Perhaps this is why you have so much time to spend on your computer. I think a lady is able and entitled to pick and choose her dates using any criteria she likes.


No, much more shallow than that.


Perhaps you should check with my wife, but more likely it's to do with working in front of one al day.

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In the above context, what if the guy makes out that he doesn't have a car, as one of his date benchmarks (how shallow/materialistic/etc. could she be)?


At UG, one up from the OP: would the guy's car (make/age/state) make a difference, for that matter?


What would you think if he turned up in a brand new Porsche/Aston Martin/etc instead? ;)


I did do just that the once...though it was not a date assessment tactic, I just knew the parents would disapprove of the car :D


I believe there's a series on youTube where a guy in a cheap/old car asks out some random girl and they generally refuse. A little later a guy in an Aston asks out the same girl (or offers a lift or something), and they generally accept.

A few metres down the road, they kick them out and give them a few choice words about appearances and gold digging.


Not my cup of tea, but probably demonstrates something about a lot of people (or a certain type of girl).


---------- Post added 05-12-2013 at 14:37 ----------


So you have no car then?


Being realistic this is how it works. On a day like today I'm not going to wander the streets when I have a perfectly good car parked in my garage. Therefore if I go on a date with a guy who doesn't drive then I'm going to end up driving.

So he gets to drink the remains of the bottle whilst I have a glass.

This is OK once or twice but on every date you can forget it. So why start a relationship with no future and spend your life driving a guy around when you could have one driving you?


Because having no car now means that he will never have one. And you having one now means that you will always be the driver.

Short sighted as well as shallow, what a catch.

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I believe there's a series on youTube where a guy in a cheap/old car asks out some random girl and they generally refuse. A little later a guy in an Aston asks out the same girl (or offers a lift or something), and they generally accept.

A few metres down the road, they kick them out and give them a few choice words about appearances and gold digging.


Not my cup of tea, but probably demonstrates something about a lot of people (or a certain type of girl).


Something similar here Cyclone, although the man is as odious as the girl, they deserve each other


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So you have no car then?


Being realistic this is how it works. On a day like today I'm not going to wander the streets when I have a perfectly good car parked in my garage. Therefore if I go on a date with a guy who doesn't drive then I'm going to end up driving.

So he gets to drink the remains of the bottle whilst I have a glass.

This is OK once or twice but on every date you can forget it. So why start a relationship with no future and spend your life driving a guy around when you could have one driving you?


Yes, I have a car :)

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I think with the current generation folk learn to drive as soon as they are old enough if they can afford it. I'm pretty sure that turning up for a job interview these days the ability to drive comes up pretty early in the assessment process for any high level job. Therefore the inability to drive seriously holds back your earning potential. You don't even get to deliver pizzas or takeaways without you can drive.


Most jobs don't really give a hoot or not if you drive, unlike delivering pizza, where driving is actually a required skill.

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I believe there's a series on youTube where a guy in a cheap/old car asks out some random girl and they generally refuse. A little later a guy in an Aston asks out the same girl (or offers a lift or something), and they generally accept.

A few metres down the road, they kick them out and give them a few choice words about appearances and gold digging.


Not my cup of tea, but probably demonstrates something about a lot of people (or a certain type of girl).



I must admit that if I was (i) loaded and (ii) on the lookout for a serious relationship, I'd probably be devious enough to underplay the wealth, very much under, for a good while.


Maybe not to the point of claiming not to drive/own a car...but that's what "disposables" sub-£1000 bangers are for :D


Seen plenty enough friends and acquaintances get burned by gold diggers/bunny boilers over the years, for the lesson to have been learned and well understood ;)

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