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London boys out for night in Sheffield


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It sounds like people from this forum are not very friendly so the Sheffield trip is now cancelled!


Yo RAPRULES! Don't give up on the forum :( reading your posts has given me the biggest chuckle for ages!!:D Keep posting... Pleeeeaaassse

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i've lived in london, and moving to sheffield has been like a breath of fresh air - you dont have to fight to get on the tube, you dont have to fight in tescos to get into the queue, the way you say the C**T word up here is class, houses are cheaper....


ok so night life isnt great but it beats a kick in the arse.


to the lad that started this posting, sheffield peeps are lovely...shame u arent coming anymore.....

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It sounds like people from this forum are not very friendly so the Sheffield trip is now cancelled!

This is a very friendly forum - you just didn't make it particularly easy on yourself by way of your introduction. For instance, if you'd posted something like "me and a few mates are coming up to Sheffield for a night out, what clubs and bars do you recommend?", I can't imagine anyone would have replied in a less than enthusiastic manner. Instead your post was more "ooh I'm so rich I've practically got pound coins dripping out of my arse - hot Sheffield chicks queue up now!", and also managed to have a stab at insulting the blokes too by suggesting that women might not get treated by them as well as you seem to think they would by you ("I don't know how Northern lads play it").


If you really don't understand why you got the reaction you did from your post fella, then I heartily endorse your decision to cancel your visit - I don't think it would be an enjoyable one.

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apparently it is only london people who are on a good wage - no where else in the country makes more than £15K a year.... yeah rite - think they need to open there mind a wee bit, stop snorting copious amounts of coke and see that even above the watford gap, people are making big bucks... and we have the added bonus of being able to spend our big salaries instad of paying stupid house prices and huge bills for rounds of drinks....


so re the comment dont know how northern lads play it, come out with me and my colleagues pal...we will take you to posh restaurants, glam bars and champagne receptions.... just that we have the extra woman factor - we arent pathetic enough to need escorts or prostitutes for the night....does your wife know that you are after female company? Or have you gone down the career path and you are too old to find a nice woman now cause you have spent endless years behind a desk????

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Tips for Southerners coming North for whatever purpose


1. Save all your beef fat. You will be instructed later how to use it.


2. If you forget a Northerner's name, refer to him (or her) as "Love"


3. Just because you can't drive on snow and ice does not mean we always have to give you lifts everywhere.


4. If you do run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in > the cab of a four wheel drive with a 12-pack of Carly Special and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.


5. Don't be surprised to find video rentals and bait in the same store.


6. Do not try to buy fresh pasta. Thump in gob tends to offend..


7. If it can't be fried in lard, it ain't worth cooking.


8. Remember: "Us" is singular. "Thaa" is plural. "Thaas" is plural possessive.


9. There is nothing sillier than a Southerner imitating a northern accent, unless it is a northerner imitating a Brummie accent.


10. Get used to hearing, "Tha not from around here, are tha?"


11. People walk slower.


12. Don't be worried that you don't understand anyone. They don't understand you either.


13. The first Northern expression to creep into a transplanted Southerner's vocabulary "me ducks", Eighty-five percent end their new northern influenced dialect with this expression. One hundred percent are in denial about it.


14. The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer proper.


15. Be advised: The "He were a southern bugger" ia a legal defence up here.


16. If attending a funeral in the north take your baseball hat off when everyone else does.


17. If you hear a Northern kid exclaim, "Ayup, come and look at this!" stay out of his way. These are likely the last words he will say before the explosion.


18. Most Northerners do not use turn signals, and they ignore those who do. In fact, if you see a signal blinking on a car with a northern licence plate, you may rest assured that it was on when the car was purchased.


19. Southerners can be identified by the spit on the inside of their car's windscreen that comes from yelling at other drivers.


20. The summer wardrobe you always brought out in April can wait til June.


21. If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the most minuscule accumulation of sun, your presence is required at the local chemist. It does not matter if you need anything from there, it is just something you're supposed to do.


22. Satellite dishes are very popular in the North. When you purchase one, it is to be positioned directly in front of your caravan. This is logical, bearing in mind that the dish cost considerably more than the caravan and should, therefore, be displayed.


23. Blizzards and Northerners going through a divorce have a lot in common. In either case, you know someone is going to lose a caravan.


24. Leeds does NOT have a castle, no matter how often you ask us.


25. In Northern churches you will hear the hymn, "Come All Ye Faithful". You will also hear expressions such as, "Bugger me, Lord", "God knows", "Jesus wept!" and "God help the poor cow ".


26. As you are cursing the person driving 15 mph in a 55 mph zone, directly in the middle of the road, remember, many folks learned to drive on a model of vehicle known as a Reliant Robin, and this is the proper speed and lane position for the vehicle.


27. You can ask a Northerner for directions, but unless you already know the positions of key piles of rubble, canals, coal mines, railway crossings, and where factories used to stand, you're better off trying to find it yourself.


:D had to quote up to the last page, its classic and got ignored :(

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  • 1 year later...

OMG this is the absolute funniest thread I have ever read! I can't believe he PM'd Natasha! CLASSIC!!!!! Love it.


BTW - I am going to London tomorrow - do you think he will lend me and my OH some money to spend ... as us Norverners are like, a bit poor? Oh my word! Thanks Raprules for the best laugh I've had in ages.

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