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Could you wait until 77 for your state pension?

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Assuming people will live longer, which is possible if one ignores what is happening today to prevent this from happening. The best way to make sure people life relatively short lives, needs planning, and it seems the plans already exist, and are functioning.


To kill off the old quickly we know providing a balance between nutrition and warmth when the temperature drops for a few day, despite the generous £25 paid after they have expired as help towards bills. Its a choice to fall on your sword one way or another.


But let us now look on a better method, more secure eradication policy. Let us look at early development of children, when nutrition is very necessary for biological development. The figures suggest that this year, numbers have been climbing and the graph is going upwards yearly. The government need to cover this up, and have allowed an additional 1.5 million children to get free school meals providing they are between 5 & 7, then they are reintroduced to a nutrition deficit, possibly for the rest of their lives.


So only and additional 1.5 million?? No we all know bad figures are manipulated lower and good figures manipulated higher. Last year 2.3 million UK children (17%) lived in homes with substantially lower than average income.


This rises to 27% (3.5 million) if measured after housing costs are paid.


Children's campaigners say the true figure is higher and that 300,000 more children live in poor homes than in the previous year.


So let us rejoice, from now on the majority of the little dears will never retire, will never get a pension, as poverty has not really started in the UK. We are experiencing the beginning, and let us look at the bigger picture. In the UK, where economic growth is climbing steeply on the back of people spending their savings, and others getting further in debt through paying for housing through paying the banks. Once housing was built by councils. The corporate takeover of providing housing is on track, through forcing people into debt. Children today will pay off their student loans but not till they are in their 40's and have decent jobs. So its not a lifetime of plenty for them, nutritionally, is it?


In Europe, and almost everywhere excluding Russia and China, who have energy, or a highly educated and skilled labor force, wages are falling, jobs are scarce, as living standards fall. Poverty spreads fast when money is short. People can be sacrificed for corporate profits, as in the scramble for African resources is creating now. So with poverty a global endemic, and nutritional needs falling almost everywhere in the world, life expectancy also falls.


So in the UK the only children who will live to old age, while the rest succumb to premature deaths caused by early nutritional deprivation, will of course come from homes that have money, can afford to feed, and privately educate their offspring. They shall inherit this wonderful land, and watch the poor drop like flies, from disease and other ailments caused by poor childhood nutrition. So the rich will enjoy the benefits they were born to inherit, and not the poor as stated in the bible..


So this whole debate of pensions in the future is just another distraction, from what will be the inevitable results of depriving millions of children of nutritional needs in their formative years.


ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! Just add up the dots and stop looking at part of the picture, you have been taught to look at. We are being lied to, just check it out if you have kids, grandchildren, the facts are there.

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If someone born today is also expected to live past 100 then pension starting at 77 sounds about right doesn't it?


The alternative is that general taxation has to go up because people ARE living longer and thus draw pensions for longer.


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 19:33 ----------



You haven't just been born today though, so you don't have a life expectancy of 90 to 100 years.


There's a good case for suspecting that life expectancy has peaked with this babyboomer generation.


Obesity, lack of exercise, fast food, increasing poverty for a growing number of people, longer working life, declining NHS healthcare, fuel shortages,- the list goes on, will all have an impact on future generations.


I suspect any advances in medicine and healthcare, will only be for those who can afford it.

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We can do better than 'suspect' though can't we.


But, yes, I've seen the stories about the next generation potentially being the first one in a century to have it worse than their parents.


LE has continued to grow though for the past 60 years, that's about 4 generations beyond the baby boomers. Expectancy is a prediction of course, that's inherent in the phrase, but I think you mean the current generation of 40's/50's or maybe even 20's/30's (the stories are always a bit vague) who's children might not have a LE longer than their own.

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There's a good case for suspecting that life expectancy has peaked with this babyboomer generation.


Obesity, lack of exercise, fast food, increasing poverty for a growing number of people, longer working life, declining NHS healthcare, fuel shortages,- the list goes on, will all have an impact on future generations.


My prediction is that as time passes the skills of youth, middle and other ages will become greatly separated, but equally valuable and this will become important for employment as well as retirement. The youth will exist in their own economy and older people in a very different one.

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Just a point for all the work till you drop mungers on here.


1) Would you like a 75 year old behind you on the M1 in control of a 44 ton truck.


2) Would you expect a 75 year old to dig trenches in roadworks or on the high street come to that.


3) Would you want your airline pilot and the co-pilot to be 75 year olds.


Just a couple of points that make this pension malarkey seem daft. I am certain there are many many more that would prove the point.


It's a scheme thought up by those who would not know about a days work if they stumbled over it barefooted. Of course the Parasites that decide on this rubbish will all be retired on their extra large House of Commons pensions, nice "work" if you can get it.



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. People working in manual roles may wish to continue to work into their 80s and at present people are FORCED to retire at 65 and in effect they go onto the scrap heap. They don't have a choice.




I thought you couldn't be forced to retire anymore......didn't the law change a couple of years ago...?

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This, as their other policys just wont go to plan. Not everyone will be still fit enough to work, some will and some wont. A 70 year old suffering from say , painful arthritis will be expected to claim job seekers for another 7 years, but not only that , they will be expected to do the work programme as well. It just wont work.


If you go back from beginning of time , the state pension was basically created yesturday, yet they already have run into problems through mismanagment. If they stopped spending on nuclear weapons, giving billions abroad and billions more wasted on red tape then the pension wouldnt be a problem.

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This, as their other policys just wont go to plan. Not everyone will be still fit enough to work, some will and some wont. A 70 year old suffering from say , painful arthritis will be expected to claim job seekers for another 7 years, but not only that , they will be expected to do the work programme as well. It just wont work.


OK.. do you want state pensions to be cut or taxes to be raised...they're the only other 2 options apart from working longer...if there are others then what are they?

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the options are above


stop building nuclear weapons that will never be used or even dared to be used

stop giving billions to other countrys when the british public should be put first

save billions by cutting unnessary redtape

stop lawyers from raking in thousands everytime they represent someone in court


just because George Osborne says something, it doesnt mean its true. hes an idiot truman


Another thing, people are not living longer. Diets are actually worse then ever before with all the junk and processed food available and obesity crisis which is predicted that half the population will be obese and many other sources saying kids will not get to the same age as their grandparents did. The biggest killer is heart disease, this is what the eldery are suffering from, the same people who may not had enough food available after the war but at least the food was not junk food so now with junk food added, heart disease will get even bigger and no matter how time goes on, if you have heart disease in your 60's and 70's then you will not live to 100.


The reports saying people born today are expected to likely live to 100 is just bull, there is more pollution on our street caused by transport then any other time and it will just keep getting worse so no its just bull talk.


The average person who has to retire at 77 will get a year on the pension at the most.

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