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Brussels Sprouts This Xmas? No And No! Might kill you.

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I know, who called them that any way? I've never gone to that Country that make them. I've heard on the internet that if you eat them raw you will end dieing or worse.


Apparently some boffins have made a different sprout that is more edible. Crossed with a orange or something.



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I never understood why sprouts have such a bad rep. If you think you don't like them, try boiling them for about eight minutes, than finish them off by frying them with some pancetta.


I eat them at least once every two weeks, usually with a nice stew or lamb.

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I never understood why sprouts have such a bad rep. If you think you don't like them, try boiling them for about eight minutes, than finish them off by frying them with some pancetta.


I eat them at least once every two weeks, usually with a nice stew or lamb.


Bad timing of this thread, With all due respects lads and lasses, with the news of Nelson, I'm backing of tonight. Cheers.

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LOVE them and would eat them all the time but I purposefully only have them at Xmas so I dont get sick of them and I enjoy them at Christmas. I have loads!!! I look forward to them all year!


Your user name shows off sprouts in their most delicious form.....mashed in a bowl with butter, absolutely gorgeous!

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