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Nelson Mandela Dead.

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except South Africa's economy is not any more important now than it was in the 1960s. In those days, the high tide years of apartheid, it was probably more significant than it is now, despite the country only being half the sise, in population.
The world took a more laisser faire view of apartheid in the 60's than it did in the 90's. South Africa was isolated politically, socially and economically prior to Mandela's release.


and Mandela did not spend 'all his life' in prison. 28 years (including the one year he spent on remand) out of 95 is only 29%.

They were however his most 'productive' years, I don't think many people would have traded places with him.
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Whilst we are praising what might not have been acheived in his absence we do seem to have forgotten he was a terrorist.


But if a terrorist eventually comes out on top then the new label becomes 'Freedom Fighter'.


Hope that helps anyone that didn't know that.


I don't think it will help all those that are dead because there was a Nelson Mandela.


Just keeping things in perspective.




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Whilst we are praising what might not have been acheived in his absence we do seem to have forgotten he was a terrorist.


But if a terrorist eventually comes out on top then the new label becomes 'Freedom Fighter'.


Hope that helps anyone that didn't know that.


I don't think it will help all those that are dead because there was a Nelson Mandela.


Just keeping things in perspective.





Oxford English Dictionary definition of Terrorist = a person who uses violence and intimidation in an attempt to achieve political aims.


Now in this world which organizations use armed force intimidation the most? Governments do.


Governments throughout the world are responsible for the deaths of more innocent people than terrorist groups.


The question is, for what purpose?


You need, in my opinion, a very good reason if you are going to try and justify the killing of innocents.


Freedom from oppression is just about the only reason that comes close to that justification in my view.


When governments engage in war however, they almost always have 'Interests' in mind, usually of the financial kind.


Mandela was a terrorist to the government of South Africa, & also to Margaret Thatcher, friend of General Pinochet.


To most people however, he was a Freedom Fighter.


Still keeping it in perspective.

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Oxford English Dictionary definition of Terrorist = a person who uses violence and intimidation in an attempt to achieve political aims.

I'm glad you realise that at least.


To most people however, he was a Freedom Fighter.


Still keeping it in perspective.


In a bid to help you further in your attempt to keep it in perspective.


Please take the time to read this.




Terrorists kill people. They befriend other terrorists and pat each other on the back as they kill more of the people they claim to be fighting for than people they are supposed to be fighting.


His wife was as bad, arguably worse in some ways.




Mandella gave the ANC nearly £40 million 6 times more than that nutter Gadaffi. and spent around £2 Billion an arms.


Yep lovely bloke he'll be really missed. :loopy:

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Tommo68. Ever taken time out for reflection? Ever wondered why you are one of the few who think as you do?


Not only about this particular subject, I'm sure you're at odds with generally accepted views on many things.


Ever wondered if you might actually be wrong about something?


My guess would be no, you know you are right about everything, don't you.


Mandela could be regarded as a terrorist and was by certain people. Being a terrorist however, doesn't mean that you are necessarily in the wrong.


Some terrorism is needed to gain freedom, the French resistance and the 1916 to 1922 IRA for instance.


Unless you believe that only Nation States can use violence? Then you have the problem of States like Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, Saddam's Iraq and present day North Korea, all legitimate States.


Mandela fought in a just cause and the reaction to his death throughout the world confirms that.

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Tommo68. Ever taken time out for reflection? Ever wondered why you are one of the few who think as you do?


Not only about this particular subject, I'm sure you're at odds with generally accepted views on many things.


Ever wondered if you might actually be wrong about something?


My guess would be no, you know you are right about everything, don't you.



In reponse to your rather personal comment.


I am at odds with the generally accepted view on many things



the general view appears to be not based on


ALL the information available.



I am not right about everything nor have I ever claimed to be so.

I know I for a fact I made a mistake once I thought I had misunderstood something but I hadn't.


Joking aside.

It no longer comes as a surprise to that some some champion of the accepted view will arise when someone seeks to inform and offers information that threatens the accepted view.


These people usually first quote some information that they believe supports the view they wish to uphold. When this proves to be insufficient they initially resort to subtly inferring character faults in those that wont conform. It then leads on to a little preaching and direct insults, then personal attacks, and it turn eventually and when possible physical attacks if there are enough of them.


If you recognose yourself here and accept what you did then there is still hope for you. If not then I imagine when we do have state control you will be amongst the first to volunteer to weild a cattle prod.


You talk of Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union and it is through people like you that these kind of States can come to exist.


Not ever challenging the accepted or party view,

at first attacking those that oppose it

and leading to then removing anyone that makes you think.


If I rocked your comfort zone, GOOD.

I just hope that you are not so narrow minded to accept all you are presented with all the time.

You and those around you are in real moral danger when the whole truth upsets you.

I'll bet you come back with a ...I don't accept everything all the time..I don't believe Coca-cola helped invent Santa Claus or something equally inane. I wouldn't mind betting you did not even know that.



If you don't look under the stones you will never see what's underneath

and if you are scared to look then you will die in fear and ignorance.



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You talk of Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union and it is through people like you that these kind of States can come to exist.


Not ever challenging the accepted or party view,

at first attacking those that oppose it

and leading to then removing anyone that makes you think.


Don't worry, you're not in any danger of that.

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