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I am disgusting. Bad. Bad bad habit I have.

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I'm curious, do other people (biters, and ex-biters) find you have, or had, some underlying anxiety, that biting seems to temporarily relieve?


If that's a common trend, and root cause of biting, surely it makes sense to understand and address that anxiety? What do you think?

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If it's any help...


I used to bite my nails to the quick, and pull all those stringy things until my fingers bled...


Then I decided to bite ONLY my little fingrnails (I kinda figured that if all the pain was only on 2 fingers it was better than ten) anyway, I persevered for a while, and eventually stopped biting my nails altogether, to the stage where I'm now confused for a guitar player or a ginger beer.. (go figure) ... either way it's better than the slef inflicted pain of nail biting! (owcha!)

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I'm curious, do other people (biters, and ex-biters) find you have, or had, some underlying anxiety, that biting seems to temporarily relieve?


If that's a common trend, and root cause of biting, surely it makes sense to understand and address that anxiety? What do you think?


I started biting as a child, and I wasn't an anxious kid. However, as an adult in my twenties I was perpetually skint and worried about money. It was when I finally gained some financial security that I stopped, but it still took the strategies I've already described to manage it.

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If it's any help...


I used to bite my nails to the quick, and pull all those stringy things until my fingers bled...


Then I decided to bite ONLY my little fingrnails (I kinda figured that if all the pain was only on 2 fingers it was better than ten) anyway, I persevered for a while, and eventually stopped biting my nails altogether, to the stage where I'm now confused for a guitar player or a ginger beer.. (go figure) ... either way it's better than the slef inflicted pain of nail biting! (owcha!)


That's exactly what I advised - see earlier post :D

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I bite mine as well...always have done. They are in a right mess and whenever I have tried to stop they get long, but are paper thin and just break, so I end up biting the broken bits off and get back into the biting habit! :(



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Is it such a bad habit? Really?


I mean I bite my nails, as long as you don't do it in front of people it doesn't really matter IMO.


There are worse habits to have, be thankful you don't have one of those.


I don't do it because I'm nervous I do it because it keeps my nails from growing long. I don't need to buy an implement to cut the nails when I've got my teeth.


I tell you, nail clippers are for OAPs.

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I never bit my nails but I used to bite the skin round them until it bled.


I do this too. I never used until I went through a really stressful divorce, then I picked the habit up out of nowhere and now I do it when I'm bored or stressed...sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it. I do it that often I've actually damaged the corner of one of my front teeth!


I've tried gum, hand cream, tactile toys to keep my hands busy....if I get a nice manicure it stops me from chewing for a week or so but then I start again...it drives my husband mad!

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