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Was the BBC's coverage of Mandela's death over the top?

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Anybody who remembers Mother Theresa dying on the same day as Princess Diana must be a bit confused. They died about a week apart.


Diana dies young in road crash = big news.

Mother Theresa dies of old age with her achievements behind her = news, but not big news.

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I don't think it was any more over the top than many of the other events which have dominated the news channels in recent years.


The news should really just be about informing us of important events with the bare facts only, all they really needed to say was "Nelson Mandela has died" with some details and let people form their own opinions.


The news in general has become a form of 24hr entertainment but the way they portray events can have a big influence on peoples opinions, it's almost a mild form of brainwashing the way that news channels always give a certain opinion and hammer it into viewers.

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I don't think it was any more over the top than many of the other events which have dominated the news channels in recent years.


The news should really just be about informing us of important events with the bare facts only, all they really needed to say was "Nelson Mandela has died" with some details and let people form their own opinions.


The news in general has become a form of 24hr entertainment but the way they portray events can have a big influence on peoples opinions, it's almost a mild form of brainwashing the way that news channels always give a certain opinion and hammer it into viewers.


I certainly think that news reporting has become too intrusive and even to the point where it gets in the way of the works of the police and authorities.


I thought about this last week with the helicopter crash in Scotland. The pub and its immediate area were screened off by way of large barricades to prevent access to the press and public. But we were allowed to trespass by way of beamed pictures taken from that particular news channel's own helicopter.


Let the professionals do their jobs. I guess our expectations have changed and like ordering a CD from Amazon, we want the damn thing now!

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Do you have to watch the BBC all the time, with so many alternative channels to choose from?

If the Mandela coverage is boring you so much switch over for the next few days, then when they stop reporting about him, you can return to your normal viewing habits.

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I don't think it was any more over the top than many of the other events which have dominated the news channels in recent years.


The news should really just be about informing us of important events with the bare facts only, all they really needed to say was "Nelson Mandela has died" with some details and let people form their own opinions.

But there is very little news that interests the masses, so news programmes would last 5 minutes and that'd be it.

it's almost a mild form of brainwashing the way that news channels always give a certain opinion and hammer it into viewers.


It's actually a very sophisticated form of brainwashing, that's why successive politicians have courted media moguls such as Murdoch, their influence can make or break political parties just based on what they choose to cover and how they cover it.

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It's actually a very sophisticated form of brainwashing, that's why successive politicians have courted media moguls such as Murdoch, their influence can make or break political parties just based on what they choose to cover and how they cover it.


It's also why the political parties will criticise the BBC's news coverage saying it's biased in an effort to influence them.


I didn't realise till recently that the BBC only exists for ten years at a time and then has to have its royal charter renewed. God help us when the BBC is abolished, but that's not to say they get it right all the time. This being a case in point.

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It's also why the political parties will criticise the BBC's news coverage saying it's biased in an effort to influence them.



They say that, because old Rupert tells them to. Hence Theresa May saying that BBC website should be scaled down because it's too good.

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When a world icon dies, all other news is put on the back burner. Remember when Diana Princess of wales was tragically killed in Paris, it was everywhere. However, how many people remember that Mother Theresa also died on the same day. Who rembers that media coverage.


Mother Teresa died on 5th Sept, approx four/five days after Diana. Something which was rather odd, as no-one had ever died before in the history of the world, until Diana had died. (Or at least that was how the media coverage would have you believe was the truth.)

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