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Kids buggies blocking the aisles in shops.

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Tried to go into The Pound Shop today but every aisle is blocked by kiddies buggies. These are like travelling kitchens, with things hanging from the handles, inside and underneath the buggies. !!

The women wont even move to once side to let you pass, but stand there blocking the aisles.!! I gave up and came home.:rant:


Damn mothers, they are just cheapos.

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Just have a degree of patience and use good manners for crying out loud.


I would have thought it was them that needed to learn some good manners!:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 01:02 ----------


Personally I wouldn't have spent that much on poppins Xmas present :hihi:


I shall tell her that !:hihi:


---------- Post added 07-12-2013 at 01:04 ----------


Good point, but I bet you dont move from the tram side seats next to the door when a pram gets on


Never use the tram !

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Shove em out of the way if they're being rude?


To be fair tho I've never had a problem with em if you ask politely to squeeze through.

Meadowhall can be abit of a nightmare tho, as often it's so rammed there's no-where for them to move to.


I agree ! Push them out the way!

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The problem is supermarkets and shops that fill the aisles with baskets of crap that prevent folk getting to shelves or getting past other shoppers.


Morrisons today filled the aisles with Christmas offers...

It was impossible to negotiate past them... So I helped them out a bit by removing 3 bottles of "The Famous Grouse" ...£13-95 a litre.:hihi:

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I was in hobbycraft earlier on this week and almost lost the plot. It seemed that every single aisle that I went on I encountered the same people. Both women were on the large side to start with. One had a trolley and the other had a buggy and between them they totally blocked the aisle.


I didn't lose it though but instead I re-traced my steps and went down the next aisle in order to avoid having to ask them to let me pass. Blow me if by the time I got onto the next aisle they had beaten me to it and were gumming that aisle up as well.

In the end I just decided to get what I had come for and forget the browsing bit...........they beat me to the cashout as well! lol


It is infuriating when people don't realise that they are causing a hold up but I don't suppose they do it on purpose.


Some of these buggys are the size of a cot on wheels though and they do take up an awful lot of room.


On a bad day I just ask between gritted teeth if they will please allow me to pass and if they don't hear me or choose to ignore me then I move the offending obstacle to one side and march through regardless. :roll:

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