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Some words I wrote for Nelson Mandela


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When he asked the question, they would not listen to his voice,

They provoked and tormented, eventually there was no choice.

Young black innocent, killed or maimed, for wanting to be free.

His words his vision, pushed aside, how could this be.

A hard pill to swallow for one full of pride,

You cannot silence him or nor can you hide.

To suppress these people with unjust rules,

Decided by bigots, carried out by fools.

Silence him you thought this would be the key

Lock him away never to set free.

Far from our minds, now long out of sight.

Break his spirit, trying to nullify his fight.

Yet how could you be so wrong?

For his spirit could not be broken, his mind was so strong.

Nor could you crush him. Nor could you break,

This man with the voice he did not quake.

From this journey he would walk tall, taller than you,

Not seeking revenge, this he could not do.

His belief that black and white should share the same equality,

Live side by side in a land that was free.

No room for violence in his master plan,

I remember that walk to freedom, one very proud man

The wrongs from the past, was now time to make amends,

Our enemies from before would now be our friends.

Need to forgive as what’s done is done,

Learn from the past as part of our education.

So much bloodshed, too much sorrow,

A better life for all, embrace a new tomorrow.

His memory and courage will live on and on,

Take your place with gods angels it’s where you belong.

Words of wisdom from one unbreakable fella,

Not just a nation, the world will miss Nelson Mandela.


JOHN'S BUCKET 06/12/13

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When he asked the question, they would not listen to his voice,

They provoked and tormented, eventually there was no choice.

Young black innocent, killed or maimed, for wanting to be free.

His words his vision, pushed aside, how could this be.

A hard pill to swallow for one full of pride,

You cannot silence him or nor can you hide.

To suppress these people with unjust rules,

Decided by bigots, carried out by fools.

Silence him you thought this would be the key

Lock him away never to set free.

Far from our minds, now long out of sight.

Break his spirit, trying to nullify his fight.

Yet how could you be so wrong?

For his spirit could not be broken, his mind was so strong.

Nor could you crush him. Nor could you break,

This man with the voice he did not quake.

From this journey he would walk tall, taller than you,

Not seeking revenge, this he could not do.

His belief that black and white should share the same equality,

Live side by side in a land that was free.

No room for violence in his master plan,

I remember that walk to freedom, one very proud man

The wrongs from the past, was now time to make amends,

Our enemies from before would now be our friends.

Need to forgive as what’s done is done,

Learn from the past as part of our education.

So much bloodshed, too much sorrow,

A better life for all, embrace a new tomorrow.

His memory and courage will live on and on,

Take your place with gods angels it’s where you belong.

Words of wisdom from one unbreakable fella,

Not just a nation, the world will miss Nelson Mandela.


JOHN'S BUCKET 06/12/13


A man who's voice and strength will never be forgotten .

One hope's !


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